first impressions

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" want me to a doctor?" Areum asked with a nervous smile as she followed Jisoo around the clinic while she grabbed paperwork, patient files and clean blood tubes.

"I-I thought I was being called for a doctor's assistant or a...nurse?" She said and Jisoo turned around with a smile

"Well I looked at your resume and since you already completed your residency you should be perfectly fine for this job. You're overqualified for any nursing position" Jisoo explained and Areum was glad she turned back around before she could see her mortified expression.

Overqualified? Dear God.

"I honestly would rather prefer being a doctor's assistant—"

"Well see that's the issue, you wouldn't have a doctor to assist" Jisoo said with a sigh, turning back around to her

"I'll be on leave for about a month and it's a fairly small clinic meaning I oversee all the patients. You would simply be taking over my job for the month. When I come back making we can discuss an assistant role" Jisoo said, trying to compromise. Areum wasn't planning on staying longer than a month either, but one full month of working as a doctor when she wasn't even qualified to be one...that was going to be hell.

"But for the time you'll be overseeing the regulars...we have about 37 donors on a file and few that come every now that then to donate and don't want to be on the system. It's a pretty straightforward job" Jisoo explained and Areum nodded, honestly considering it. After all, it was only a blood donation clinic.

"And Juri will be at the reception most times, we have one or two student nurses working part time to help around so feel free to use any one of them" Jisoo explained with a smile as she ended their walk back by the reception where Areum nervously met with Juri's. Juri stood up and extended her hand out with a smile and Areum shook it slowly.

"Welcome to the team" Jisoo smiled, patting her shoulder and Areum nervously smiled

"Just like that?'re not going to background check me or...?" She trailed off, wondering how horrible this could really go

"No don't be silly. You were actually recommended to us by one of your colleagues. You guys did your residency period together at SNUH" Jisoo informed and Areum's lips parted with surprise

"Jisoo, Juri! I brought donuts!" A happy voice boomed through the walls of the previously quiet clinic and Areum slowly turned her head to meet with the bleach blonde man who scanned her quickly.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear" Jisoo chuckled, nudging Areum as if she should already know who the man who was now standing infront of her was.

"Hey, Na Jaemin. We've met before right?" He asked with a smile and Areum briefly remembered the time she had accidentally bumped into him just two days ago.

"Ah yes...we bumped into each other once" she said, calming herself down a little bit

"Just once? Jesus. That hospital was always busy. I barely even had time to meet Jeno" Jaemin said with a chuckle

"J-jeno?" She asked and Jaemin dropped his smile slightly at her oblivion

"Jeno...our residency rep" Jaemin smiled and she faked it as if she knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Ah yes...Jeno...Jeno..." she trailed off. It had to be Kim right...that's the number one most common family name in Korea. It has to be Kim.

"Kim Jeno" Areum smiled and Jaemin snickered slightly

"Lee Jeno" he corrected and Areum pursed her lips into a thin line. Of course it was fucking Lee. The second most common family name.

"His ego would be bruised if I told him someone from our residency doesn't remember him" Jaemin joked with a smile and Areum awkwardly chuckled

"So how about we just...don't tell him" she said and he nodded

"Your secret is safe with me" he winked playfully making a heat rush to her cheeks under his piercing gaze—either that or the anxiety from nearly having been caught out in her lie

"Well when you're both done flirting, Areum you can take him to do his bloods" Jisoo smiled, patting her shoulder reassuringly again before leaving to another room.

"Here's his file, he's just doing a plasma donation today" Juri said with a plain smile, passing her the file

"Isn't she so sweet, keeping up with my files" Jaemin teased and Juri sighed

"See you later" he winked to the girl at reception before turning back to Areum. He looked at her expectantly, aiming to follow her lead but only smiling as he realised she was new to the scene.

"Follow me" Jaemin smiled reassuringly and she dropped her shoulders in slight relief

"Are you and Juri like..." Areum trailed off, eyes on his back lead her down the hallway

"Together? No. We went to school together where she confessed her love for me and...ran away and never came back. And then I met her here about a year ago and it's just a running joke between us" Jaemin said, fulling knowing that the said joke was more to appease his ego than something that made Juri laugh as well.

"Ah I must've been the high school sweetheart" she said with a chuckle as he pushed the handle down to the office he usually gets his blood taken at

" remember the reputation I had during our residency right?" He asked and she had no other choice except to awkwardly laugh and nod at his statement

"Well I'm a lot more mature now, trust me" He chuckled, shaking his head at his own past actions.

"I bet" she hummed, scanning the room around her to look for equipment that she knew the names of.

"Sorry if I'm like...dumping all this on you. It's easy to get along with you since we did our residency together you know. It's basically trauma bonding when you have Yerim as our attending supervisor" he chuckled and she laughed along with him, nodding her head

"Yeah she's...something" Areum added plainly

"You know she almost caught me in the break room one time. I hide every time I see her around the hospital now" Jaemin said as he sat himself onto the patient chair

"Doing what?" Areum asked, looking over his file while counting the steps for the procedure in her head

"Do I really have to explain?" Jaemin chuckled awkwardly

"Oh...Oh!" She said, widening her eyes as she finally realised what his reputation was back in his residency days. He laughed at her reaction lightly before taking off his grey hoodie, giving her a full show of his bulky arms as he rolled the sleeve of his Tshirt up.

"S-so just the p-plasma today, right?" She asked nervously, tearing her eyes away from eyeing every vein in his arm that was protruding through his skin.

"Yeah, just the plasma" he smiled as if he knew exactly why she was so flustered and red all of a sudden

"So I would like...use the machine for that right?" She asked, looking to him for clarification. He raised his eyebrows as his smile widened a little at her confusion, confusing it for being too taken back by him.

"'s the white one by the door" he said, pointing towards it and not thinking twice about how she nodded her head quickly, praying to God a few times before starting the job.

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