another side to him

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"Get the CT scan printed and get the blood test results from pathology. 5 migs of morphine should be enough for the pain and—"

"Sorry could you just slow down—who do I get the blood test from?" Areum asked, struggling to note all the information down on her small notepad which was already starting to come to its end despite only being used over the last seven hours. And seven hours of working with only a twenty minute break for food makes information a lot more harder to process

"Pathology—did you not pass first year med school or are you just stupid?" Jinah asked with a light scoff, not going easy on her like she had promised. Areum sheepishly smiled, noting it down quickly

"5 milligrams of morphine for pain, page me if you need anything" Jinah said quickly, turning back around to check on the other interns. Areum let out a sigh of relief as she finally got to lean against the wall beside her. She felt her eyelids droop with the tiredness already. But the 18 hour shift was far from over.

"You snooze, you lose baby. Don't chance it or I'll steal your patients" Haechan said as he entered her vision, clicking his fingers infront of her face annoyingly making her groan

"I heard you and Mark got the first surgery tonight. Lucky fucks" Haechan said, leaning against the wall beside her

"Well... I don't think Dr.Na likes me very much. So I'm not very lucky after all" she sighed, closing her eyes as she relaxed her shoulders again

"Yeah he doesn't like me either...caught me smoking outside and gave me a whole lecture about it" Haechan mumbled and Areum snickered rolling her eyes

"What a fucking hypocrite. He smokes too" she scoffed

"Yeah but it's different smoking at a hospital—"

"I literally caught him smoking at the blood clinic I used to work at" she corrected, turning her head to meet a small smirk on his lips growing. Her care free smile dropped as she soon realised that the interns she met just 8 hours ago weren't her friends and she shouldn't be so loose with her mouth

"Oh two met before" Haechan said, narrowing his eyes at her and she looked away from him

"Briefly" she said simply

"Can't be that brief if he hates you now, right?" Haechan asked, trying to dig a little deeper

"It was brief. So I don't know why he hates me. End of discussion" she said and he chuckled. He opened his mouth to retort her statement but the sudden intercom message interrupted the pair

"Code blue, room 402. Code blue"

"Fuck that's my patient!" Haechan hissed, digging through his pockets for his pager before hurrying down the hallway

"Be careful Lee, you might just be the next 007!" She shouted after him, watching him scurry off while sending her a glare over his shoulder.

The term 007, sometimes even referred to as the mafia if it was a group, was a term used to describe an intern that causes—or almost causes—the death of a patient under their care. It was common for it to happen on the first days of work as well and word was always quick to spread around in the hospital

She stood upright and turned to her left, catching a glimpse of Jaemin who was heading down the corridor towards her, eyes focused on another file. She sighed and took in a deep breath, building up the courage to speak to him again, hoping that the 6 hours since they last spoke eased the tension. After all, time does heal all wounds.

"Dr. Na, the CT scan for Mr. Kim is ready and—" the sigh from Jaemin's lips made her look up at him as she cut herself off. What could she have possibly done to piss him off now?

"Dr. Jung, more than 20% of Korea's whole population has Kim as a surname. About 50% of our patients here are—"

"Kim Daewon. His scan is ready for you in radiology." She said, correcting her mistake quickly before he could make her feel even more stupid that he had to

"Don't interrupt me next time." He said sternly and she bit her bottom lip, looking up again at his dark eyes with slight annoyance

"You interrupted me first." She said with a small voice, trying to stand up for herself against his obvious petty attitude. His face shifted from a nonchalant expression to something more stern and angry.

"You can't hate me forever you know? We work together now" she reasoned, hoping he could see through her past mistakes

"Areum, do you like working at this hospital?" He asked with a low voice and her eyebrows furrowed, slowly nodding her head, before mumbling a 'yes' since she didn't want to be shouted at for bot using her words either

"Well if you want to keep working here, I suggest you be very careful how you speak to me again. I'm not your friend. I'm your boss. I don't need the attitude." He practically snarled making her take a step back from him and looking away quickly. She was shocked by seeing a side to him that she had never seen before. The man who was so sweet and caring towards her was now the same man who could inflict such pain and torture.

"Yes sir" she said with a low voice, watching him turn away from her and go back on his way down the corridor

This was a wound time couldn't heal.

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