daddy x8

978 60 48

Areum sprinted towards the metal elevator doors that were closing and reached just in time to place her hand between the doors, opening them up again. The doctors and nurses packed in the elevator look at her with surprise but she couldn't care less. She narrowed her eyes at Jaemin who was busy typing something on his phone before she stood in front of him

"Dr. Na" she said, getting his attention and he raised his brows, looking up at her before flicking his eyes at the people around them

"Dr. Jung, how's that essay coming along?" Jaemin asked with a sickly sweet smile which she could just tell was fake

"Haven't started." She said, crossing her arms over her chest making his click his tongue against his teeth

"I want in on the surgery" she practically demanded making him hum

"I'm pretty sure I was very clear when I said you won't step a foot in my OR without an apology and the essay on my desk by Friday...which is tomorrow" Jaemin said, looking up from his watch

"Better start soon" he smiled and she scoffed, hearing the elevator doors open and letting the group of people out, leaving just the two of them alone as the doors closed up again

"I'm not doing that essay" she stated, flicking the switch to stop the elevator in its place and he shrugged simply

"Then you're not getting in on the surgery" he said, reaching to flick it back on but she slapped his arm away

"Fuck you." She said, glaring her eyes into him as a smirk grazed her lips

"Oh wait i already did" She asked, cocking her head to the side

"You're crossing the line—"

"The line has already been crossed! We slept together!" Areum hissed

"And let me remind you that while I did lie and deceive which is my own fault, you kissed me, meaning you initiated any sort of sexual relationship we had" she said as he fell silent

"That's why you're giving me such a hard just can't accept the fact that you're partly at fault here too" she said, poking her index finger into his chest

"You lied to me—"

"To make you believe I was a doctor, not to get you to fuck me. You did that on your own, I'm not complaining but—"

"But you lied regardless. That's why I'm giving you a hard time. I want that essay on my desk tomorrow morning" he said sternly and she rolled her eyes testing his patience even further

"Do you just forget that I'm your boss sometimes?" Jaemin scoffed, feeling his temper rise at the unnecessary conversation

"Actually Jinah is my boss" she said, correcting him

"Well that makes me your boss' boss" Jaemin said with a scoff, shaking his head at her

"I've been here a whole week and I haven't stepped in on a single surgery" Areum said with a sigh

"Not my problem. You're not getting in on this surgery, I won't allow it" Jaemin said ultimately and she scoffed, a look of disbelief on her face

"Oh you won't allow it? Aww, daddy won't allow me to step in for a fucking surgery?" she asked with a scoff, taking a step forward and pushing him back towards the cold metal wall of the elevator as both their eyes darkened

"Is daddy trying to punish me?" She cooed making Jaemin graze his tongue against the inside of his cheek

"Alright, now you're just asking for it" Jaemin snarled as his inner constraint snapped.

He turned them both around, slamming her back against grey elevator wall making her hiss. She parted her lips to let out a curse at him but her lips only met his in a matter of seconds. He swallowed her gasp in a rough kiss much more different to the ones she remembered from him. But she wasn't exactly complaining either. This didn't go as planned, but this was possibly a lot better than she had hoped for.

"Call me daddy again and see what fucking happens" he growled with a warning yet it wasn't much use when she lived to be a little nuisance in his life.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy—"

"Stop!" Jaemin shouted, the vein along the side of his forehead almost popping out with the pent up anger inside him restrained.

"Make me!" She shot back, watching him close his eyes tightly. She could see that deep down he was doing everything he could, trying to get his brain to control itself while his anger fought against him, telling himself over and over again not to react.

"You're fucking crazy, you know that?" He asked with a deep voice, looking down at her with half lidded eyes, not believing how far she had already pushed him

"Yeah so what? You gonna put me in the psych ward? Gonna make me write a fucking essay on it?!" She shouted back making his laugh dryly as he used his hand to push himself off the elevator wall, creating a distance between them again as he turned to flick the switch for the elevator

"20 pages on my desk at 9am tomorrow or you'll be so fucking sorry Areum" Jaemin warned as he looked over her shoulder, eyes skimming over her plump lips that held an angry frown

"You said 10" she said

"Now I say 20." He said with a deep voice, eyes glaring at her as the elevator dinged to signal they were at his floor destination

"20. Pages." He repeated, walking out of the elevator

"Okay daddy." She said smiling fakely, groaning as he turned and left her alone again

"What are you looking at?" She spat at a poor middle aged man in a wheelchair as she walked out of the elevator, going the opposite way

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