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"How many fingers am I holding up?" Areum asked again and Haechan couldn't help but roll his eyes as she smirked

"One, your middle finger" he replied with a light scoff and she let out a chuckle

"Great, you're not blind. So the surgery was a success after all" she said, patting his shoulder as he looked at her with slight confusion

"It's boiling in here, lose the turtleneck—it's so 2009" He said, changing the topic and she shrugged her shoulders, her eyes dropping their eye contact

"Since when are you the fashion police?" She asked and he tilted his head to the side slightly

"You okay?" Haechan asked and she let out a frustrated groan

"Why does everyone keep asking if I'm okay? Like what about me does not scream okay to you right now?" She said, letting out an exasperated sigh

"Alright, Jesus. Sorry I asked. Fuck you!" Haechan said with a laugh at her reaction, holding up his middle finger

"Exactly, fuck you too!" She laughed back, doing the same to him as she walked towards the door, only to jump slightly as Mark opened it from the other side

"Hey" she breathed out as he looked at her with slight shock, not expecting to see her back in the hospital so quick

"Uh...hey. Areum I—I'm sorry. I should've checked up on you last night but—"

"It's fine seriously, you were on call. You were busy" she said simply and he sighed

"Still...I should've called but I only found out...about it pretty late" Mark said, scratching the back of his head, not exactly knowing what to say when she looked so fine

"It's okay" she said with a nod and he sighed

"Let's have lunch together—"

"Yes! Let's all have lunch together! Mark, I assume you're getting it for us" Haechan piped up from his bed, intentionally ruining the little moment they were having between them

"Yeah...I guess I am" Mark said with pursed lips, already feeling his blood pressure increasing from the guy he now had to treat as a patient, even though Haechan was slowly growing to be the bane of his existence

"Great, see you then" Areum said with a small smile

"'re really okay?" Mark asked again carefully and Haechan laughed from behind him

"Wrong question bro" he said with a light smirk at their growing inside joke

"Fuck you Mark" Areum said playfully, sticking out her middle finger to him before letting herself out the door and leaving a confused Mark to the wrath of Lee Haechan

"Dr. Jung, I need you outside with the ambulance now! We've got crash victims coming in!" Jinah shouted, rounding up a few of the interns to head outside

"Are you sure you're okay for this? You can stay on sutures if you're not comf—"

"Jinah—Dr. Lee...I'm fine. I promise" Areum nodded firmly and Jinah eventually gave in, knowing she needed all the help she could get

"Alright, let's go people! We have three crash victims, 35 year old male, his wife 32 year old pregnant female and 24 year old male. Get them all admitted into trauma, do the usually scans, tests. Someone page the obstetrician incase we have fetal loss" Jinah instructed loudly as the group of interns met outside the entrance of the hospital

"She's pregnant" Areum whispered as she stood beside Wonbin who was already outside

"Not just pregnant...she was going into labour when the crash happened" he stated back, his eyes lingering on her a little longer than usual. He saw the turtleneck and decided to not bring up the events of last night, knowing it was probably the last thing she needed right now.

Because at this moment, every doctor threw out all their own problems to put the problems of others at their forefront. They had no time to think about themselves. They had to run on autopilot.

"Dr. Park, stay with the husband. Jung, stay with the other guy" Jinah instructed as the paramedics started to take out the stretchers from the ambulance

"Careful, I heard he's a doctor" Wonbin said, nudging her slightly before she ran to the side of the stretcher she had to be in charge of

"Okay, what do we got?" Areum asked, leading the stretcher along with the paramedics to the trauma room

"Patient has a head injury with possible concussion, fluctuating consciousness, and unstable vitals. His blood pressure is 90/60, pulse 130. There are chest contusions suggesting possible rib fractures and potential internal bleeding. Visible fractures on the right arm and suspected fractures on the left leg. Fluids are started, but he'll need immediate imaging and surgical evaluation" the paramedic stated clearly as the nurses rushed into the room

"Page Dr. Na for head injury—"

"I'm here! Dr. Jung what's our initial assessment and treatment?" Jaemin asked, rushing into the room, his hands grazing her waist as he moved past her to examine the patients eyes with his penlight

"Let's keep him stable. Start him on oxygen and give 4 milligrams of morphine for pain, keep fluids going. Order a head CT, chest X-ray, and an ultrasound to check for internal injuries. Run a CBC, BMP, and type and cross for blood in case we need a transfusion." Areum said quickly, looking to Jaemin at the end of her statement for confirmation and he nodded

"You heard her, let's move" Jaemin said, watching the nurses scurry off to prepare for the several scans and tests, leaving the two alone. He looked back to Areum quickly, his hand reaching over to hers, catching her off guard.

"You're doing great" he said, a sense of pride swelling in his chest at how professional she was acting under the current circumstances

"I'll page ortho and inform them of the potential fractures" she said and he nodded, squeezing her hand again reassuringly before letting go

"Good, page me again if he regains consciousness and shows any signs of confusion or has any seizures" he said, straightening up and walking past her once more, his hand now lingering against her waist longer than they did before

"Take it easy, alright? I'll see you later" he said with a smile that was enough to have her own knees turn into jelly and forget about the frantic situation they were in

Who could resist the smile of Na Jaemin anyway? It definitely was not Jung Areum.

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