the competition

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"You slept with him?!" Mark exclaimed as they found themselves in a supermarket after spending the whole day together with her grandmother at the nursing home.

"God, could you be any louder?" Areum hissed, looking around her to see a few customers looking towards them but Mark honestly couldn't care less at this point

"He thinks you're 27, a fully licensed doctor, that he met years ago. This is next level mindfuckery—what if he claims it was non consensual since you faked your identity. Like do you actually ever think with that pea sized brain of yours?" Mark hissed at her and she sighed, pushing the trolley

"And if he ever finds out he could literally report you to the cops! He knows where you live—he knows where I live—and I could go down as an accomplice to all this! You should be staying the fuck away from him not getting your fucking back blown out" Mark groaned, overthinking this whole situation—but he wasn't exactly wrong with his worries either

"You know what else he could do to your back, stab it. Several back stabs because he could be filing a law auit against right now as we speak" Mark continued, wide eyed and close to having a panic attack from the dumb actions of his best friend that only seemed to get dumber by the days

"You think too much" Areum said with a dry chuckle

"And you don't think at all!" Mark hissed back as she rolled her eyes

"Alright, I found the ramen—"

"Forget the ramen!" Mark exclaimed, too in his head to even notice what Areum was looking towards—or who.

"Areum...hey" the sweet voice greeted from in front of them. Mark turned his head over to him, a displeased look on his face

"Jaemin?" Areum asked with a surprised voice, hoping he didn't hear too much of their conversation from before. She let out a sigh of relief as she watched his take out his earphones that were blaring music. That was close.

"It must be fate how we keep meeting like this" Jaemin chuckled, watching a shade of pink rise up to her cheeks

"Or a classic case of stalking" Mark grumbled from her side

"Dude" Areum said quickly, nudging him with her elbow to make him shut up

"Stalking?" Jaemin asked with a light scoff, flicking his eyes over to the brown hair boy beside her

"He didn't mean it like—"

"Well, I live in that apartment across the road and from what I can remember you guys live about four blocks away so...if anyone's stalking wouldn't it be you guys?" He asked, smirking at Mark who remained tensed up

"You know...especially since Areum was in my apartment last night?" Jaemin added, cocking up an eyebrow at him to challenge him further

"This is the only store that had this brand of ramen" Areum said quickly, trying to ease the tension that had weirdly formed between them

"Well then...mystery solved" Jaemin said with a smile on his face—a fake one at that


"You guys having a party tonight or are you starting to bulk up for the gym?" Jaemin asked, taking a dig at Mark again as he looked at the amount of meat they had in their trolley

"Okay, you know what—"

"No party tonight but he's is having a few friends over and I told him I'd help him shop. Plus I owe him for all the food I ate at his place" Areum interjected again, an awkward laugh emitting from her lips as the two boys stared each other down

"Yeah because she spent the last two months in my apartment" Mark added with a smirk making Areum drop her smile again

"Okay..." she trailed off slightly, eyes looking between the two guys

"Oh she's paying for it...what is she like your sugar mommy now?" Jaemin insulted lightly again

"Jaemin" Areum said quickly, looking up to Mark who tensed up from her side

"Well she does get paid a lot more than me with her new job—"

"Okay. I'll just send you the money later. Jaemin let me walk you home" Areum said quickly, walking to Jaemin and turning him around while glaring at Mark for how he nearly exposed her

"Kiss him goodnight at his doorstep too, why don't you?" Mark scoffed at how quick she was to take his side

"What's wrong with you?" Areum hissed as she dragged Jaemin out of the store

"What?" He shrugged, turning to face her with a clueless expression

"What the hell was that?" She asked again and he sighed, dropping his shoulder before walking forward slowly, knowing she was following him home

"Competition" Jaemin shrugged simply and she scoffed

"I told you me and Ma—Jinhyung are not even a thing" she said quickly, crossing her arms over her chest as she followed Jaemin while he crossed the road

"Well he seems pretty pissed that you slept with me" Jaemin said with a grumble. Mark was pissed at that, but Jaemin didn't know it was for other reasons.

"Its not because of you..." Areum sighed with a small voice, knowing the real reason for Mark's outburst

"He even accused me of stalking" Jaemin added, hating how she was quick to defend him

"'s kind of weird you were here" she said, narrowing her eyes at him

"I needed to go grocery ahopping" Jaemin huffed, avoiding her eyes

"Your fridge was fully stocked last night...and you walked out with nothing" she said, catching him in his lie and he sighed, pulling the door to his apartment complex open and letting them both in

"Fine...I saw you guys head in on my way home and I just wanted to say a quick hello because of how we left things last night...I didn't think little american boy over there would be on his period" Jaemin explained with a sour expression and Areum chuckled, dropping her tense shoulders as the doors to the elevator opened infront of them

"He's canadian and you're being childish—it's kind of funny and cute—but still childish. Ill see you next week" she said, shaking her head at him before pushing him into the elevator, only for him to drag her in as well

"Just stay with me here—stay the night this time" He said, catching her off guard. He followed her eyes as she looked back towards the supermarket


"Ditch the stupid get together with Jinhyung and come spend another night with me. Are you really gonna make me beg?" Jaemin asked with a pout, pulling her chin back so she could face him, only him.

"It's only been 20 hours since we last saw each other" she chuckled, placing her arm out to stop the elevator doors from shutting closed making Jaemin scoff

"And apparently 20 hours is enough for you to forget how bad you were begging me to not stop last bight. Maybe I need to remind you again" Jaemin said with a darker voice, pressing the buttons for the doors to close again

"Fuck Jaemin why are you so..." she trailed off, hearing the doors shut closed as the lift started going up to his floor

"I'm so what?" He asked, cocking up an eyebrow as he trapped her between the cold metal wall of the elevator, lips just inches apart from each other once again


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