something's up

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"What are you doing here—don't you have Haechan's surgery now?" Mark asked with furrowed brows as he looked to the break room door to see Areum, who had her head low while her hands stuffed deep inside her jacket pockets, walk in

"Can you do me a favour?" She asked with a raspy voice, words almost murmured as her chin dug into the neck of her jacket that Jinah had advised her to wear to not raise any concerns to patients

"Yeah...sure" Mark said, sitting up on the bed that interns took advantage of whenever they had a break

"Could you step in for me instead?" She asked

"Is Jaemin not letting you sit in for the surgery? I thought you guys were starting to get along...if he keeps doing that you should tell Jinah because—are you sick?" Mark asked, breaking out of his rant as he heard her sniff. He watched her shake her head a little, causing tears to slip out and hit the floor as she stared down at her feet knowing she would break down if she was to meet his eyes

"Hey...what's wrong? A-are you crying?" He asked with a worrisome expression as he tugged on her arm. And while every other time it would comfort her, she only shuddered as her mind was fogged with how that man held her, hands so tight as he stared down her with anger

"Mark don't...touch me" she said, taking a step back from him making him surprised as he raised his brows a little at her words

"Sorry" Mark said with a whisper and she shook her head with a sigh, taking a step back with her hand to the door handle again

"Just...step in for me" she said once more, giving him a pleading look with her eyes before she let herself out. His lips parted in slight surprise at her actions, wondering if he should follow her out and press on the issue any further. But he decided against it, assuming that her 9 hours of work had just caught up to her emotionally. It happened to everyone.

So Mark instead pushed his worries to the back of his mind as he scrubbed in for the surgery he promised to fill in for. And this of course caught Jaemin, who was hoping to apologise to Areum for their conversation earlier that morning, by surprise.

And Mark's reasoning of "She didn't really say why" was enough to make Jaemin both disappointed and frustrated as he worked away with Mark beside him for the short surgery. But what annoyed him even more was walking out of the OR to see her sitting by the waiting room. Her eyes were tired and deep in thought, brows furrowed as her nails picked against the dry skin on her hands. He hated that she was always doing the exact opposite of what he expected from her.

"How is he?" Areum asked with a raspy voice, as she saw Mark follow Jaemin out of the OR, her eyes landing on the dark ones of the latter who stared at her intently

"He's fine. We'll need to supervise him over the next 24 hours just in case" Jaemin answered her query and she nodded, sighing of relief as she stood to her feet

"Are you going to tell me why you didn't assist the surgery?" Jaemin asked with a stern voice before she had the chance to turn around

"I just...felt sick" she said with a sigh and he scoffed at her response

"You felt sick? You should be at home right now if you feel sick" he said, shaking his head at her and he pursed her lips

"I don't know what you want me to say Jaemin—"

"Doctor Na." He corrected sternly and she nodded

"It's protocol to call me and tell me if you feel sick. Deciding who assists a surgery is not your decision it's mine—"

"Okay, I'm sorry—"

"I'm not done talking." He said, raising his voice at her and Mark awkwardly coughed before excusing himself from the two before heading down the stairwell exit

"You broke protocol again for like the millionth time. When are you actually going to learn that things work a certain way around here? Areum, how many more times are you going to not take your job seriously?!" He shouted, garnering the attention of a few nurses around them making her bite her bottom lip at an attempt to keep herself from bursting out into tears.

"Sorry" she apologised with eyes lowered to the floor, bowing her head to him slightly. He furrowed his eyes, not being able to recall the last time she was this respectful towards him in the first place. Something was up.

"Did you just—are you walking away from me?! I'm not done talking to you! Dr. Jung!" Jaemin shouted as he watched her tread away from him quickly. He let out a scoff of disbelief as he placed his hands on his hips, looking at the few nurses around him who seemed surprised to see him like this.

"Jung Areum seriously..." he muttered under his breath as he sighed, walking towards the elevator to catch up to her.

"I wasn't done talking to you." Jaemin said from behind her making her bite the inside of her cheek as she turned around to face him. He looked down at her with frustration in his eyes, lips parted like he had a whole rant prepared in his mind for her

"Are you listening to me?" He asked as he watched her head into the elevator and push the button towards the ground floor and he followed her inside, leaving just the two of them caged between the four metal walls

"I know what you're doing" Jaemin scoffed as it all finally clicked into his brain. Of course she was acting like this, she was one of the pettiest girls he knew.

"You're just being like this because of what happened this morning. You know, I can't tell you about VIP cases because first of all it doesn't concern you and you have so many more patients to worry about. Here's a reminder, since you keep forgetting so often, you are just an intern. Your job is to help people and stay out of trouble—which by the way you are doing a horrible job at—"

"Jaemin I already told you that I'm sorry. What else do you want me to say?" She asked, cutting him from his egoistic rant about everything she could possibly be doing wrong

"I want you to give me a reason, not some stupid excuse of feeling sick. You wanted in on a surgery so bad these last few weeks and now you can't even be bothered to show up for the one I assign you to? Why?"  Jaemin asked with irritation in his voice and she sighed

"It doesn't concern you." She said simply making him swipe his tongue against the inside of his cheek

"Fine. Keeping acting like a fucking child if you want. I shouldn't have expected more than that from you" he spat with annoyance, rolling his eyes at her excuses as the doors opened up by the ground floor. Both their eyes looked to Jeno who stood on the other side, shifting his eyes between the two before landing on Areum's

"Hey I was just about to page you...the police are here when you're ready" Jeno said with a soft voice and she nodded, stepping past him and onto the floor to meet the policemen who looks at her expectantly

"What—what's going on? The police? Did they find out about her license?" Jaemin asked quickly as his brows furrowed with worry for the girl he had just got into an argument with.

"No...there was a code white" Jeno said with a sigh, following his eyes to see Areum enter a private room to have a conversation with them

"What happened?" Jaemin asked, feeling his throat grow dry at the statement that had just left Jeno's mouth, only to be met with one much worse

"Non fatal strangulation. Psych patient attacked her a few hours ago—"

"What?" Jaemin asked, feeling his chest heave as his heart quite literally felt like it was being ripped out of his chest. How could that happen to her?

"Why didn't me?" Jaemin asked as he turned to his friend that awkwardly scratched the back of his neck at the question

"You were with Hwayoung." Jeno responded making Jaemin swallow the lump that was forming in his throat.

Not only was he not there to protect Areum, he was too caught up in his own problems to even listen to her when she needed him most. And no matter how hard Jaemin tried to keep his work and personal life separate, it was finally starting to break him piece by piece. He should've been there for her.

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