a helping hand

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"I'm telling you, interns always think they're good enough. Scrubs and Grey's Anatomy gives them some idealised relationship in the hospital and they come in here and start flirting with the attending surgeons. What a joke!" The maternity nurse infront of her in the queue hissed as Areum stood in the line to grab some food by the canteen

"Shh, he's coming over" another nurse beside her shushed quickly. Areum turned her eyes over to see Jaemin approaching the line with his phone in his hand, smiling at something on the screen. He shook his head before placing it back into his pocket and looking up, his smile only widening as he saw Areum by the line. He grabbed a tray and stood beside her, causing her to take a step further away from him as she pieced it all together.

"Dr. Na?" She called out, just above a whisper as she reached for a serving of kimchi to add to her meal. He hummed in response, busy getting his own tray of food filled up

"The nurses" she said cautiously, making sure her voice wasn't heard by the ones infront of her in the queue

"What about them?" Jaemin asked, looking over at her and his eyes lingered for just a second more than they should've

"They talk." She said with a tense jaw, hoping that the rumour hadn't spread out all around the hospital by now

"Oh...I know" he said simply and she shot a look towards him in confusion

"But you said—"

"I lied...maybe you're rubbing off on me" he shrugged with a smirk and her tongue scraped the inside of her cheek as she closed her eyes. She turned to see him walk away from her before sitting down at the lunch table with other surgeons. She rolled her eyes at his relentless pettiness before she took her tray and sat at a table with the interns, hoping to avoid any more public interactions with the surgeons.

"Okay you're an asshole and I'm scrubbing in for your next surgery" Haechan said as soon as she got there and she scoffed

"What? Why?" She asked taken back

"Because I'm running on like two hours of sleep and I wasted my break to finish your rounds and look after your patients. Where the hell were you?" Haechan asked, getting the attention of a few interns at their table. Getting railed by Dr. Na was obviously not a viable answer.

"Fine, I'll take your surgery" she said, avoiding his question and he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Is that stir fried tofu? Why didn't I get any?" She huffed, changing the subject quickly

"Sorry, I got the last bit" Wonbin said as he sat across from her with a small smile on his lips. She pouted and looked down at her tray as she decided to dig into something else to get her mind off it.

Her body froze up as a pair of metal chopstick held up a chunk of the tofu she was secretly craving infront of her face. Her eyes zoned out to look towards the guy behind them, raising her eyebrows with surprise

"What are you doing?" She asked as everyone else at the table froze to look at their sudden affectionate interaction

"I don't mind sharing" Wonbin smiled and Areum blinked twice, looking down at her plate before quickly taking it into her mouth. Because really what else was she supposed to do, say no a hundred times while he would keep suggesting it? The table cheered around them and her cheeks flared up pink in slight embarrassment

"What the hell just happened?" She whispered to Haechan beside her

"I don't know but I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit" he answered back, still in shock at the actions from Wonbin in front of him. A guy that was already just quite intimidating to be around since day one.

Areum's eyes flicked over to the table across the big canteen, catching the piercing eyes of Na Jaemin who looked like he had just been betrayed. And that was exactly how he felt. He had just given her all his energy, time and affection—in other words, sex—only for her to start blushing and flirting with some other guy. That was his perspective anyway.

"Dr. Jung, on your feet please. I want you in on this surgery" Jeno's voice said with a rush making Areum widen her eyes

"You want me? In a surgery?" She asked again, looking for clarification

"Yeah...you saved a life yesterday. I could use a helping hand" Jeno said and she was quick to stand up, her tray of food now long forgotten

"We had a deal!" Haechan hissed from her side and she sent him a sympathetic smile

"Dr. Lee, you too" Jeno said quickly, looking towards his watch. Haechan could no longer care about his lack of sleep anymore as he quickly stood up to his feet, following the two out to the elevator after the statement.

"Patient's name is Kim Gayeon. 29 year old female who just arrived by helicopter twenty minutes ago. Hiking accident...and it's a pretty bad one" Jeno said with a sigh as he pressed the button for the elevator

"How bad?" Areum asked as he watched Jeno's brows furrow slightly. He turned to her and Haechan who both had slightly puzzled expressions

"Let's just say...you'll be glad you didn't eat" Jeno said with a low voice and Areum gave Haechan a concerned glance. The three ran towards the OR, the biggest one the two had been in yet. The gallery was already filled with interns and older residents while the operating floor was filled with several nurses and doctors. And that's when their eyes landed on the patient.

"I think I'm going to get sick" Areum said as she widened her eyes at the sight of a woman unconscious but sitting upright with a long tree branch struck through her abdomen.

"Jesus...how many splinters do you think that could be?" Haechan said from beside her and she rolled her eyes, reaching her hand over to hit the back of his head at the comment. He held his head in his hands with a loud groan, feeling a sharp pain shoot up the back of his neck and towards his head making her blink slowly.

"How hard did I hit you?" She asked, looking at him with concern but he slowly regained his posture, squeezing his eyes tightly as he felt the pain dissipate

"It's nothing—probably just need some more sleep" He sighed, walking over to the basin to wash his arms as the two prepared for what could be the biggest surgery of their careers.

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