nice hoodie

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" don't need to use those butterfly clips on me" Jaemin said and she nodded slowly. 'They were more for me than you' she thought, now needing to balancing the needle stably while she attached the blood tubes.

"You must come here a lot" she said seeing the small scars of his previously poked skin and he hummed

" feels good to help out, you know? I don't have much to do these days" Jaemin smiled and she nodded

"You're not working?" She asked, using an alcohol pad to clean his skin just like she was taught in med school.

"No I'm uh...taking a short break" he said, ending the statement short. Areum was used to him oversharing by now but seeing his closed off exterior when talking about work was enough for her to know that it seemed like a touchy subject

"Okay so you're just going to feel a little pinch" She said, a line she had memorised by now. Jaemin smiled as she checked over him carefully, making sure everything was in order. She pricked his skin more rougher than she had hoped due to her shaky hands, making Jaemin jump with a slight hiss.

"Fuck, sorry!" She freaked out, pulling the needle back out and watching as a tiny bead of blood left his skin. Jaemin looked over as she wiped it off with an alcohol pad, hands shaking slightly.

"It's okay uh...maybe another needle" Jaemin said and she nodded quickly, leaving his side to grab a fresh needle for him.

She was quick to return, standing by his side as her hands shook in an unsteady pace as she aimed to prick his skin properly this time. Jaemin furrowed his brows and reached his free hand over to place it on top of her shaky ones. She looked up into his eyes, seeing his slightly concerned expression.

"Don't be nervous...I'm the patient here" he chuckled lightly and she let out a shaky breath as she tried to relax under his touch—but that itself was making it much harder

"Just right here, angle it on the vein" he guided her hand with his, easing her into it. She let out another breath as they pushed the sharp needle in together as Jaemin tensed up his arm. The prick was a lot more clean this time, quickly drawing blood into the machine that would separate his blood cells.

"Sorry" She apologised quickly, a look of relief on her face as the procedure went as it should

"Don't worry about it. First day nerves" he excused with a smile and she awkwardly hummed with a nod

"Hey, how are you getting on?" Jisoo asked, poking her head into the room and Areum nervously looked at Jaemin before turning to her

"She's doing great" Jaemin smiled, backing her up and Jisoo smiled widely

"Great! I can take over for the rest...why don't you go and look around a bit? Get yourself used to the place" Jisoo smiled and Areum muttered a quick 'thank god' under her breath before carefully leaving Jaemin's side.

"It was uh...nice seeing you again" Areum said awkwardly with a smile and he nodded

"Yeah...see you around, Areum" he smiled, remembering her name from the CV he looked over a few days ago.

"Be honest, how is she?" Jisoo asked as the door closed and Jaemin chuckled

"She's good. She'll be fine" Jaemin reassured, having faith in the girl.

"Okay good...I'm gonna book that holiday tonight then" Jisoo said, making up her mind finally and Jaemin nodded

"You deserve it" he smiled

"And what about you? Just gonna waste every day at home?" She asked and he smirked

"Are you asking me to go on that vacation with you?" He teased

"Juri! Where is that restraining order?!" Jisoo shouted, feeling her patience grow thinner day by day. And even Areum who found herself on the rooftop to get a calming breath of fresh air even heard it. She gripped onto the railing as she swung on the balls of her feet slightly, thinking over the dreadful idea she had blindly gone into. She had sent Mark a spam of text messages yet the boy who had already found a job as a doctor's assistant over the summer had other things to be doing during the working hours.

She took in a final deep breath hoping it would finally calm her down, yet the smell of burning tobacco instantly entered her nostrils. She furrowed her eyes and turned to the side to see the same blonde man a few feet away from her, inhaling and exhaling the grey cloud of smoke.

"You said you didn't smoke..." she trailed off, watched his eyes slowly meet hers

"On your file. It says you're not a smoker" she said, stepping closer towards him and he turned around now to her as well

"I'm not I just...needed it now" he said and she shook her head with a light scoff.

"You shouldn't smoke—"

"Because I'll get lung cancer and die right?" He answered for her with a lack of amusement compared to the personality she saw from his earlier

"...after you give blood. You could faint" she said, finishing the statement she wanted to make

"Plus...this blood is going to people who need it. The least you could do is keep it healthy for them" she said, taking the stick from in between his lips before throwing it onto the ground and stepping over it. He looked down at her black heels mush the short stick and put out its flame before he turned his eyes back up to her.

"You do everything by the book huh?" He asked, smiling a little bit. It was ironic, the sound of his statement, as she knew the only reason they were speaking to each other in the first place was because she didn't do anything by the book.

"Better safe than sorry" she said with a simple shrug and he hummed, watching her stand back up straight

"I'll see you around then" she said, bowing slightly before walking past him

"We're the same don't need to bow" Jaemin said with a light chuckle and she looked over her shoulder to smile and nod. Well it only made sense to lie about her age if she was lying about her graduation date as well.

"See you around Jaemin" she said more casually, walking towards the door. He watched as she walked away from him, heels clicking along the pavement as she opened the door. She paused for a second, turning back around to him with a light smile on her face

"Hey uh...nice hoodie" she joked, making him look down at his torso to see the grey hoodie with an explicit statement written in bold. He sheepishly smiled as he looked up at her with a light laugh emitting from his lips.

" me if you need a donation" he joked, making her snicker and shake her head before turning back and letting herself into the building. Jaemin turned back around to the view as he was left alone. The university hospital he had graduated from and worked at was just a few blocks away from them, towering over the smaller building infront of it as it was placed by the busy city district. He smiled lightly, hands gripping the railing as he looked towards the hospital.

"Why haven't we ever met before?" He asked himself, wondering how he could've let such a pretty girl slip past him during his time at the hospital he had spent countless hours at.

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