20 - black tux.

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Immediately Rihanna said that, I felt my mind freeze, how'd she know it was him? " Calm down Tess. It's obvious you like him. The way you stared at him the day I first met you. And the day you both left the engagement party. I knew you liked him." She said as a smile reached my lips.

Before I knew it, my wide smile grew into a sudden blush. I hid my blush which resulted a chuckle from Rihanna. " Nothing's better than young love Tessa." Rihanna said as she headed to continue the decorations.

I just stood on the spot. So did it mean I was in love with Taylor? So did it mean I liked Taylor more than I liked Tyler? I smiled as I tried to contain my enthusiasm. I walked to the stairs as I helped the others continue their work.

The next day. I was sited in my bedroom staring at the tv. I bit my lower lip as I stared at my phone. I stared at Taylor's number on my phone as I sighed. I didn't know why but I missed him. I missed him so so much.

And I missed his touch also, his scent, his hair, his smile, mischievous smirk, his lips, his perverted eyes, his beautiful masculine figure that really towered me, his everything. I laid just thinking about him.

I sighed as I lowered the tv volume. Since I had his tel, I hadn't once chatted him or called. Well doing it right now would be strange and I might run short of words because of my butterflies.

I sat up as I breathed in and out before dropping a text for Taylor. " Hi." I sighed as I laid back down and kept my phone on the bedside table. Just as I shut my eyes, my phone dinged startling me at first.

I snapped my head to my left as I stared at my phone. My mind pondering on who it was. I immediately sat up as I picked up my phone, it was Taylor. He replied my text. I smiled as I stared at what he had texted.

Taylor: Hey.

I smiled as I wrote back.

Tessa: So you're not busy.

Taylor: I was.

Tessa: Oh. I guess I'll text you later then.

Taylor: I'm not busy anymore.

I smiled.

Tessa: You sure? Or are you missing me that badly?

Taylor: You wish. Anyways, are you free tomorrow night?

I smiled.

Tessa: You know I'm not free tomorrow, remember, it's Saturday.

Taylor: Yh, I think I have a few plans tomorrow.

Tessa: Okayyy....

Taylor: There's a business party tomorrow night. I need a date.

Tessa: So what does that means?

I smiled.

Taylor: you know what I mean.

Tessa: No I don't.

Taylor: I want a date. You.

Tessa: Be more polite Taylor, and a itzy witzy romantic.

Taylor: Fine. Be my bitch for tomorrow's party.

Immediately I saw that I froze with my fingers still above my keyboard. I sighed with a smile. " Sure." I replied.

The next day, I walked out of the bathroom as I approached my dressing table. I made my beautiful long brown hair in waves as I applied light makeup to my face.

I stare at the black box that had just came in today. I knew a dress was in it as the delivery man mentioned it came from Taylor Dobrev. I approached the bed as I slowly opened the box, waiting to see the dress my lovely Taylor wanted me to wear.

After opening the box, I stared into the box to be greeted by an astonishing black velvet dress. I carefully brought it out of the box as I stared at it in awe. It was amazing, in fact amazing was an understatement for this dress.

I approached my long length mirror as I placed the dress right in front of me as I smiled. It was like I said, a black velvet dress, ankle length yet with a slit, and looked like it'd be body hugging, it was an off shoulder with beautiful long bell sleeves.

The dress was sparkling and held a mesmerising beauty of its own. Taylor surprisingly had good taste. I smiled. After I wore it.

It was an open back dress, which made my back completely bare and exposed. I wore the diamond necklace I saw in a little box in the black box.

I took out the other box inside the huge box that had my shoes, black ankle strap heels. I sighed as I picked up my black Dior Caro brand new purse as I placed my phone in there along with a few dollar notes.

I sighed as I stared right into the mirror. Perfect, just perfect. I smiled at myself as I blew a kiss. 

I couldn't wait to see Taylor's face tonight, the face I had longed to see for two days straight. The face of my Prince Charming. The face of my lover.

I walked down the stairs of my home as I went into the living area. " Tessa. You look great." Dad complimented as I smiled. " Thanks dad. Always remember that I look just like you." I said as Jim Smiled.

" Will you return early today?" Jim asked as I thought. " No idea Jim. But I'll make sure I'll come home just for you." I said as I watched Jim nod.

" Now promise me that when I return, this house where you're sited right now, will still be in good shape." I said as I watched Jim nod.

" Good. Goodbye Jim.." I said as I walked out of the house. Although Jim was crazy, he was a bit stable at some areas which I enjoyed. All I was planning to do was get him treated and when he's finally alright, I'll hug him so tight I wouldn't let go. Just like the way I would have hugged my mom if she were alive.

Just as I stepped out of the porch of my house. My eyes landed on the figure that stood at the limousine in a black tux.

Heyyyy my dear readers.

I love y'all. I'm so happy about this book and I can tell you all are too.

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Love y'all!!!

- Hearts.

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