21 - first boyfriend

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With his hands tucked into pockets he slowly approached me, and my heart skipped a bit when he gave me one of his sweet smiles which I gladly returned. Immediately he came right at me, he turned to stare at the car before looking back at me.

" I knew the dress would be amazing." I heard him mumble as my cheeks went pink. I stared at his beautiful jet black hair which he left messy and beautiful as always.

I took my eyes to his beautiful green ones as I smiled. " The party starts in 20. Let's go." Immediately he said that, he lifted me from the ground in bridal style which resulted a gasp from me.

" What are you doing?" I asked with a light chuckle. " I won't be able to wait for your catwalk." He said as I smiled. Immediately he came at his car. He put me down as I got in.

" I never knew you were the early type." I said as I watched him get in too. " I'm not. The more crowded it is, the more difficult it becomes to hear your moans." Immediately he said that I froze.


He stared out the window unaffected by the words he had said to me. I swallowed as I too tried looking out the window. I let out a quiet sigh as I bit my lower lip.

I turned to stare at Taylor who was staring at me also. He held my chin as I swallowed when he brought his face closer to mine as his eyes danced from mine to my lips.

" Why do you like biting your lip?" He asked as I just stared at him. " Well.. I'm sorry.." I mumbled an apology which resulted a sigh from him. " I like it..." He whispered as I tried to smile but the way we were close made me unable to. "...It's a huge turn on for me."

I swallowed as I watched him close the space between us. He kissed my lips slowly. We felt the limo pull over as we turned to stare at the parking lot of the hall where the party was going to take place.

I sighed as I watched Taylor break the kiss. Just as I was about to open the door, Taylor drew me back as he kissed me again and harder this time." Taylor.. we're here," I chuckled lightly to have him kiss my neck.

I gasped when his warm soft tongue came in contact with my bare nape. I inhaled sharply as I entwined my fingers in his hair.

He stopped as I watched him alight the car and I did so also. Entering the hall, we both headed for the elevator as the party was gonna be held upstairs.

Just as we came into the elevator we both stood behind as others entered also. The elevator headed for the last floor.

Immediately we reached the last floor. I and Taylor were the last to step out. I watched Taylor walk in the less busy party where they were beautiful and rich people.

Taylor belonged in such a place, and I didn't. I noticed Taylor turn around to stare at me, and then I noticed he did that because I had stopped walking a long long time ago.

I immediately approached him as I looked down. " Let's go." He said. " Y- y- yes." I stammered. I made sure we walked arm in arm to wherever we were going now. He had his hands tucked into his pocket while I just stared at the most handsome man in the world.

I noticed a man in a grey suit approach us causing Taylor to pause. " Mr Dobrev." The man said. " Philips." Taylor said as the man smiled. " Well. You're kinda early today." Philips said. " There's a reason why." Taylor said glancing at me, causing my cheeks to turn red.

After the party started, a lot was done. Stuffs like branding events, entertainment, catering and beverages, networking opportunities, and various speeches about business and products.

And before we knew it the party was already over. It had just ran away like it didn't take hours to end. I sighed as I sat on one of the stools at the drinking counter. I stared at the bartender who placed a glass of juice before me. I smiled at him as he gladly returned it.

Just as I picked up the juice, I was about to drunk it when my purse fell down. I was about to pick it up when a male helped me pick it up. " I'm sorry I have a boyfriend." I said as I took it from him.

I didn't know when that slid out of my mouth but it did. " Boyfriend?" I heard a very familiar male voice as my eyes grew wide. I immediately looked up to meet Tyler's eyes. My eyes grew wider when I saw him.

" T- t- Tyler." I stuttered as I stared at Tyler. " You have a boyfriend." Tyler said with a psychopath's smile as I shook my head. " There's no point in lying Tessa. You just said it. And I've never heard such words from you. So you do." Tyler said as I stood up.

" No. I, I thought it was some strange dude so I said that, so he may leave me alone." I said as Tyler smiled staring at the party.

" First I wondered why would you be here? Then I remembered you work with your boss. But then I saw you looking pretty in a ritzy dress. Then I knew, no boss would afford such an expensive dress for a simple secretary." He said as I shook my head.

The last thing I wanted was Tyler finding out about my relationship with Taylor. " Tyler I can explain." I said. " I can't believe you couldn't show your bestie your first boyfriend." Tyler said as I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

Just as my eyes swam across the business men and women, I spotted Taylor stepping out of an office room with another man beside him. He looked so amazing. I tried to force myself not to smile as Tyler was here feeling all sad.

Tyler stared at me for a while before tracing my eyes to Taylor. " So. He's the lucky guy." Tyler said and I could see the hatred that ran past his dark brown eyes. Just as Taylor felt someone was watching him, he looked in my direction.

But before anything could happen, I took Tyler's hand and left with him.

Heyyyy my dear readers.

I love y'all. I'm so happy about this book and I can tell you all are too.

Please comment because I love reading feedbacks, vote because I love seeing the names of my readers pop up on my screen and also share.

Love y'all!!!

- Hearts.

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