Chapter one - Borgin & Burkes

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This is the introduction of Eva (the reader) and how she (you) meet Tom Riddle.
Please be aware that english is not my first language and there can/will be spelling errors.
This story is for fun, it's the first time I share one of my works.
In the future I will post my original story! (stay tuned @riddlewith.thestories on insta)

Please don't be a silent reader, I want your feedback and it gives me motivation to continue this story.
If I feel like no one reads it I might stop sharing it.

Thank you & ENJOY!!!!!


*Eva's POV*

"I can't believe they accepted me!" I scream in excitement, reading the owl-delivered letter. I narrow my eyes on the table, checking the date on the Daily Prophet, my heart starts racing—it's Saturday, August 25th, 1955. I need to prepare! Oh my, I must buy new dresses. Theodore won't believe it. Oh... Theodore won't be pleased. But once I have enough galleones, I'll leave him. By Merlin's beard, I will. I'm going to teach at Hogwarts, meaning I'll live there and won't have to endure that drunken Baggart.Surveying the empty house, I realize I feel alone... it's tough not having anyone to share my joy with. Nevertheless, I must hurry, school starts on Monday. Grabbing some flea powder quickly and soon enough I find myself in Knockturn Alley. "Not again," I mutter. It's the second time this month I've taken the wrong turn!! People might think I'm up to no good, and to top it off, I've run out of powder. Great. Now I have to walk.. "I should improve my spelling... it seems I mumble," I mumbled. AGAIN.. Walking through the alley, I close my black coat tightly, noticing the unwelcoming faces around me, the people here give me a creepy feeling. As I'm lost in my thoughts on playing it cool, I suddenly,  feel a harsh bump on my shoulder, causing me to step back. "Uh..." I look up to see a tall man, his hat falling as we collided. "Sir, I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to—" Before I could finish, his eyes darkened, and he reached for his wand. Dropping the hat, I sprinted into the nearest shop. Acting on instinct, I shut the door quickly, closing my eyes as if that could protect me somehow. I suddenly hear a man's voice questions me, "Good morning, why are you blocking my door, miss...?" I sense his irritation; well, no wonder, I'm acting foolishly. I'm like a butterfly in a very dark pla—"Ma'am?" he interrupts my thoughts. Opening my eyes I look around, unable to see were the voice came from, while looking around I'm puzzled by the antique objects.
"One moment," I hear the voice on my right side. I flinch as he speaks again, "Here you go," freeing my long wavy hair from the door the tall, very handsome looking man looks down on me. It feels like his eyes are scanning me from head to toe, I can't tell if it's because he thinks he knows me, or because I have never been inside here. Neverthless.. his face seems familiar to me but I can't pin point it. I gaze at the stranger, raising an eyebrow unconsciously lost in my thought; his actions are not matching his demeanor. There's not a lot of expression on his face, yet he exudes charm and whidsom. I realize I have been in my thoughts for a while as we are now starring at each other almost the same way, I burst out uncomfortable, "I apologize for blocking your door. I - There was this wizard outside, he wanted to—he" I gesture with my wand to explain myself better. The man glances out the window briefly before returning behind the counter without saying a word. Scratching my arm, I approach hesitantly. "Was he bald?" he asks bluntly, yet again no expression on his face,  I nod irritated.. what does his hair have to do with it? - "That's Alistair. He is paranoid about losing his wand, so now he shows it off to people each time he finds it." the man explains, almost rolling his eyes but then fixing them on mine, leaving me with a strange feeling in my stomach. "Oh... then I should buy him flowers. I misjudged his intentions," I reflect inwardly. Really, Eva? Assuming the worst of people based on looks... Surely, the devil wouldn't choose such a facade. He'd hide, wouldn't he? Observing the shop's intriguing antique objects, I inquire, "Excuse me, what shop is this...?" "Borgin and Burkes," the man responds. I glance at him briefly, "Oh... M-Mister Borg- b -burkes, I—" He scoffs, shaking his head. "Mister Burkes will return tomorrow, when I'm gone." Curiosity killed the cat, I know, but this man... there's something about him I can't quite figure out.
"And you are?" I ask abruptly. The man's mouth twitches slightly as he places an object on the table. "I am Tom. Tom Riddle," he says, narrowing his eyes at me. "And you are?" His tone is charming yet demanding, leaving me unsure whether I want to answer, but it spills out of my mouth, "Eva. Eva Orlov." Tom gazes at me, nodding once. This man is truly peculiar. I look at him again, nodding in a friendly manner. "Thank you for not alerting the authorities," I say. He chuckles once, "The wh-" He eyes me lifting his chin a bit as he continues, "Eva... Do you realize where you are?" His use of my name feels oddly unsettling.. Where did I end up at.. I'm in trouble am I not?!! I seem calm but inside panic makes it's way, allerting my system. Swallowing my fear I raise an eyebrow, likely questioning my sanity as I drift into thoughts once more I point out, "Uhh- I—am at Burkes... Borgin and Burkes?"- - Why am I stuttering?-- Tom steps closer, gesturing, "You shouldn't be in this area, Miss Orlov." --Is he threatening me?-- He approaches more, almost invaing my space as he stops in front of me, looking down at me with an expression I can not make out, is he trying to intimate me or will he just kill me on the spot? My thoughts get interrupted,  "May I escort you?", he continues.  Releaved my mouth almost opens—escort where? And why? As if reading my mind, he gestures again, grabbing his coat. "Out of this area. I fear you'll get lost, and it seems you can't apparate."
I eye him more sternly than intended; why is he judging me? I don't want—okay, maybe I always get dizzy after apperating, but that's none of his business. "I just—" I swallow my words, don't fight a stranger who is trying to help you out of a situation you got yourself into!
"Yes... that would be really kind of you. Thank you.. Mister Riddle."

As we step out of the dark alley, the sunlight hits my face, momentarily blinding me.
Mr. Riddle walks beside me, his presence strangely comforting yet unnerving at the same time. I can't shake off the feeling that there's more to him than meets the eye. As we walk towards the bustling streets of Diagon Alley, I steal glances at him, trying to decipher his enigmatic aura.
"Miss Orlov, may I ask what brought you to Knockturn Alley in the first place?" Tom's voice breaks the silence, his gaze fixed ahead. I hesitate for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal to this mysterious man.
"I... I took a wrong turn. I was on my way to buy some supplies for .. for my new Job," I reply, trying to sound casual. Tom nods, his expression unreadable.
We continue walking in silence, the noise of the busy street filling the air around us.Despite his calm demeanor, there's an intensity in his eyes that keeps me on edge.
As we reach the entrance to Diagon Alley, Tom stopps me in my track and turns to me, his gaze piercing. "Miss Orlov, be cautious of where you wander. Not all places in the wizarding world are as welcoming as Hogwarts," he warns, his words sending a shiver down my spine.
I nod quickly like a school girl that went into the forbidden corrido. I'm grateful for his guidance, yet a part of me can't shake off the feeling that there's more to Tom Riddle than meets the eye.. As we part ways, I watch him disappear into the crowd, his figure blending seamlessly with the bustling atmosphere.
Heading towards the familiar shops of Diagon Alley, I can't help but ponder our encounter.. There's a lingering sense of unease that grips me, a feeling that this chance meeting may have greater implications than I initially thought.
With a deep breath, I push aside my thoughts and focus on the task at hand—preparing for my new journey as a teacher at Hogwarts.

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