Shackles of the Soul: Breaking Free from Self-Imposed Chains

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These chains, they grip our minds in vice,

They make our hearts tremble, they entice,

With every step, they tighten their hold,

Leaving us trapped, in shadows cold.

They blind our eyes to the truth ahead,

Clouding our vision with doubts unsaid,

They shut our minds to the world's vast expanse,

Leaving us trapped in a suffocating trance.

For what truly matters, we fail to see,

Lost in the grip of our own decree,

The moments of joy, the shared smiles bright,

Drowned out by the chains of our self-imposed plight.

Hatred, a poison that blinds our sight,

Pride, a fire that burns through the night,

Jealousy, a serpent that coils and deceives,

All these chains, as our innocence grieves.

Yet in our hearts, the truth lies clear,

The key to freedom, to banish fear,

For it's in letting go, in breaking free,

That we find the grace to simply be.

So let us shed these chains, one by one,

Embrace the light of a new day begun,

For in releasing the shackles we've worn,

We find the peace for which we've longed and yearned. 

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