Lost in Your Tempest: A Journey Through Chaos

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I have fallen, plummeting into the depths of your gaze,

Immersed in a sea of thoughts, lost in its maze,

Each attempt to move forward, only pulls me deeper down,

Every effort to escape, leaves me chained, tightly bound.

How many storms rage within the tempest of your eyes?

How many breaths have they stolen with their endless cries?

Each beat of my heart, touched by their tumultuous sway,

Lost in the whirlwind, unable to find my way.

Like a ship tossed upon the relentless waves,

I find myself adrift, in the depths of your gaze,

Yet even in the chaos, there's a strange allure,

A beauty in the madness, a solace, pure.

For within your storm, I find a quiet peace,

A sanctuary amid the chaos, a release,

And though I may struggle, and though I may fight,

In the end, it's in your depths that I find my light. 

Echoes of despair: Poems from the AbyssWhere stories live. Discover now