Shadowed Solitude: A Battle Against the Prowling Wolf

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Loneliness, a prowling wolf in the night's embrace,

Hungry and relentless, with eyes that trace,

Deeper than the ocean's abyss, they seek,

To tear into my chest, to find what's bleak.

Fangs bared, hungering for my soul's feast,

Its energy vast, like the moon in the east,

Eclipsing mine, overshadowing my light,

As it hunts me down, in the dead of night.

Only within my cage do I find reprieve,

A sanctuary from the pain it weaves,

But I fear the day it finds the key,

The one dangling from its neck, so carefree.

Devouring me has always been its dream,

To feast upon my hopes, to tear at the seam,

And torturing me, its long-awaited sport,

In its clutches, my spirit is caught.

But even in the depths of its relentless chase,

I hold onto hope, a glimmer in the maze,

For even the fiercest wolf must yield,

To the dawn's light, to the day revealed. 

Echoes of despair: Poems from the AbyssWhere stories live. Discover now