Embracing the Abyss: A Journey Through Darkness

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In the depths of my soul, darkness reigns supreme,

A suffocating void, where nightmares gleam.

Lost in the abyss of my own creation,

Drowning in despair, a slave to damnation.

Suicide's whispers echo in the blackened halls,

A seductive lure, as darkness befalls.

I'm drawn to the edge, where shadows linger,

Yearning for oblivion, with each trembling finger.

Hate consumes me, a devouring flame,

Feeding on my anguish, without shame.

Bitterness festers in the depths of my core,

As I curse the world and all it stands for.

In the silence of the void, I am alone,

Tormented by demons, with hearts of stone.

Despair wraps its icy tendrils around my soul,

As I spiral deeper into the black hole.

But amidst the darkness, there is no light,

No glimmer of hope to end the night.

For in the embrace of the abyss, I find my rest,

A cold and empty void, where I am truly blessed. 

Echoes of despair: Poems from the AbyssWhere stories live. Discover now