Chapter 01: Pendant waist chain.

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Beginning will be always boring so bare with me.

It was 9:30 am, almost opening time of the cafe, and Jimin was diligently wiping all the tables clean to ensure they looked tidy for the customers who would soon be arriving. His manager stood at a distance, observing his every move, silently assessing the cleanliness of each table.

Jimin could feel the excitement building, knowing that soon the cafe would be filled with the chatter of customers and the delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee. He took pride in his work, making sure every table sparkled under the cafe's lighting.

Jimin continued to wipe down each surface, hoping to receive a nod of approval from his manager. As he turned around, seeking feedback, the manager gave him a thumbs up and quickly shifted his focus towards another employee who was busy writing the menu board for the day.

""Hyung do you think you can take half day today?" The boy asked rubbing his mistakes from the board. Jimin stood there seeing his bestie entering the lion den asking something stupid again.

"Why?" Manager folded his hands on his chest showing his built muscular arms. The boy gulped, seeing those strong hands. He has had a crush on the manager for over a year now, but this 28-year-old manager looks extremely cold.

"Hyung don't worry about it, he is still sleepy I guess," Jimin came forward and pinched his bestie in order to stop him. Jeonghan hissed at the pain. "It's my birthday tomorrow, and I'm thinking of taking you both out," he pouted while saying.

"I'm busy, I can't come," the manager said coldly and walked to the doors to turn the chain hanging on a door that said closed.

"Hyunggggg please," whined like a kid. Jimin looked down, getting scared of the manager whose mood would be spoiled because of his stupid friend.

"Jeonghan-ah, what are you? You will be twenty-five tomorrow, behave for god's sake," his manager said in a tone of friendly admonition.

Jeonghan moved to the front, holding his manager's biceps and rubbing them with his hands, trying to plead with him in a cute tone, "Hyungieee....Seungcheol hyungie pleaseeee." However, his attempts had no effect on his manager, who sternly removed the younger man's hands from his biceps and pushed them aside, causing Jeonghan to pout in disappointment.

"I'm going to the 'carat club' tonight, and you are coming, that's final," Jeonghan ordered his manager in a friendly tone, making it clear that his decision was non-negotiable. Despite his manager's initial resistance, Jeonghan's determination seemed to sway the older man, who eventually relented and agreed to accompany him to the club. Jeonghan couldn't help but smile at the thought of sharing this experience with someone he considered not just a manager, but a boyfriend.

Seungcheol glare at his employ while cutting essential vegetables for orders. Jeonghan look at his hands that is holding knife and those hard expression while chopping vegetables in high pace. He lick his lips seeing his man's strong arm. Jimin rolled his eyes seeing his friend shamelessly crushing manager.

Seungcheol ordered coldly to get back to work, and the cafe employees quickly got busy with their tasks. Despite it being a Sunday, when people usually enjoy get-togethers or brunches outside, the cafe owner expected a rush of customers seeking delicious treats and coffee.

Seungcheol was in charge of the coffee counter and billing, while Jeonghan expertly crafted pastries and sandwiches. Jimin's specialty was creating various types of cakes, whether cupcakes or intricate desserts. His cake decorations were considered the highlight of the cafe's menu.

As Seungcheol prepared a coffee order, he couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching him. Although he noticed the presence through his peripheral vision, he continued to focus on his task of making the perfect dalgona coffee. The gaze felt friendly but also slightly unnerving.

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