Chapter 42: How dare you?

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First day of college continue...

Biology Teacher enter the class everybody stood up. "Good morning sir" they all sang it like kids.

"Thank you kids" young teacher made fun of them with same tone. Every body started to giggle at the teacher.

"Hello my name is lee taemin your class teacher. You all can call me anything but taemin. I'm your teacher, you see you got to respect" he cracked dad jokes to lighten the mood they all look nervous.

"One more thing. Let's waste our time today in knowing each others names typical boring first day class" taemin rolled his eyes and did a funniest disgusting face making everyone laugh. Jimin started to settle down and enjoy this handsome teacher class.

"Excuse me sir" a boy called with lot of scared voice.

"You are excused" taemin laughed at his bad joke seeing nobody react.

"Why are you late?" he shouted making the boy flinch everybody gasped, their smile was wiped of off their face. Jimin frowned feeling bad for the guy who came late.

"What's your name?" He asked sternly.

"Beom...beomgyu" the boy shutter blinking his eyes tightly. Taemin came forward and examine his scared expression and laughed loudly. Everyone watched him as if he is alien.

"Mr beom...beomgyu you are officially the first human who got scared of me" he shuttered the name exactly like the boy did everybody laughed.

"Please have a seat" taemin moved aside from the door and let beomgyu walk. Younger walked searching for seats at the back because he hates front seat but unfortunately there was only one seat available next to a chubby pale boy.

"Hi" he said holding his bag tightly. Jimin looked at him with astonishment because who wears oil to collage this guy screams typical village guy. Jimin smiled and look back. Beomgyu gulped feeling terrible sitting next to a elite diva.

"Alright since I got to know beom...beomgyu name we will start with the person next to him" taemin again made fun of beomgyu leading everyone to laugh including beomgyu.

"Hello class. I'm park jimin from busan. Let's just be friends" jimin stood up from his seat and turn around to introduce himself boldly.

"Can I be your friend" taemin asked walking towards jimin. Younger giggled and nods his head. Taemin smiled and signalled jimin to sit. Just like that the whole class introduced themself.

"It's good to meet you all. Shall we start the class now" taemin walked from last bench to front rolling his sleeves. Everybody did ohhhoo seeing his masculsr arms. Jimin just look at him still feeling he is a teacher he should not behave like that.

"God!! is it too sexy?" taemin asked jimin who nods his head giggling holding his hands to his lips. Taemin told everyone to shut their mouth. He walked to the podium.

"Alright" he started the very beginning introduction class everybody looked at him attentively taking notes. His way of teaching, really impressed everyone along with his manly body. He was cracking jokes inbetween to keep class lively.

Beomgyu held his pants tightly feeling ashamed because he is not understanding jokes or the class. Mr lee is explaining all in English. He is not good in English he is familiar in Korean that's what his school did.

"Now who will tell me what is animal husbandry?" Taemin asked what he thought moment back to revise little. It's his way of teaching. At the end he utilise few second to summarise the class asking few questions.

"Mr beom...beomgyu come on you answer" he asked smiling confidently. younger stood up feeling nervous but did not open his mouth. Taemin narrow his eyes and see him struggling so he moves to next.

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