Chapter 48 : Jimin I'm proud of you

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Fluffy chapters ahead. I'm not ending this soon. Tell me if it's boring. I love fluff.

Subtitle: FLUFF returns

Next morning.

Jimin woke up fresh up and get ready to meet his mother. He saw Jungkook credit cards lying on the dressing table indeed he was serious when he gave that. Jimin took those and walked out wearing winter cloths covering his whole body to not expose any skin since it's so cold outside. Yesterday it had snowfall. He was unaware and slept. If he know he would have watched it with Jungkook.

"Wassupp princess" hoesoek teased the moment jimin came out of the room. Bam came running towards jimin. Yesterday Jungkook brought him here since nobody was there in his family mansion puppy was alone. Jimin willingly took responsibility until aera comes. He simply walk to the dinning table and sit to have breakfast.

"Princess your daddy gave this" Jeonghan hand over a box which had bow in that. jimin look at them with confusion and open it. He is feeling shy how both of his rookies are teasing him.

"Ride safe princess"

Jimin gasped to see a car key and a note written by Jungkook. "What really?" he ran to window and look down to see brand new car.

"How about this?" hoesoek took a kitten with white fur from his back making jimin to loose his mind. He screamed on top of his lungs scaring everyone.

"Oh no my baby. Gsjshihsxhxdzjbiinokdzs jnfgbb inc kj jvvkkjbycxszvv" he spoke god knows what, he did everything cutely how Jungkook do to him. He spoke exactly like elder. Puppy bam felt being ignored he bark to get jimin attention.

"Bamie look!!! It's your sister" jimin jump in this whole house holding kitten in his hands. Bam had to adjust to his new member forcefully. He is jealous but what can he do? He can't fight that tiny creature. He is big even though he is puppy.

"Jimin you are really lucky" Jeonghan pouts seeing all those gifts jimin got just in a day. He is not jealous but even he want that princess treatment from his unromantic boyfriend.

"Hyung don't be jealous" jimin giggled carrying both bam and kitten seeing they both fighting without attention. He walked out carrying both and happily sat in his car to meet his mother and show her new grand Children. Puppy bam and unnamed kitten.

Jimin took them out in his car to buy new cloths since it's cold. Jimin looked at the mirror and saw two black car following him. He smiled seeing them knowing Jungkook might have arranged. Two gun man come out when jimin step out of the car carrying a puppy and a kitten they follow him where ever he goes. It looks so funny they are really giant.

He brought lot of toys and food everything from Jungkook card. It was irresistible so he brought toys for himself. He brought plushy in whatever kind he ever wished he could have. He requested daejae to send everything directly to Jungkook farm house address.

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