Chapter 1 - Tune of love

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**Girl (Anika):**
Anika, an introverted girl, cherishes her small group of friends. She believes in the magic of old-school love and treasures romantic gestures. Anika is known for her protective nature and deep understanding of others' emotions. Excelling in academics, she is always striving to be the best. However, her true passion lies in music, dance, and reading, where she finds solace and expresses herself freely.

**Boy (Anirudh):**
Anirudh, on the other hand, is an extrovert who thrives in a large social circle. He isn't very interested in academics but is incredibly passionate about music, where he shines the brightest. Seeking a bold and modern partner, Anirudh is charismatic and has a way with words, making him popular among his peers.

Despite their contrasting personalities, Anika and Anirudh share the strongest bond, forged in childhood and strengthened by their mutual love for music.

As they grew older, Anika and Anirudh started to realize that their bond was more than just friendship. Anika often found herself lost in thoughts about Anirudh, cherishing every moment they spent together. She felt a sense of comfort and security in his presence, something she couldn't explain.

Similarly, Anirudh couldn't shake off the feeling of protectiveness and admiration he had towards Anika. He valued her opinions and her company above all else. There was a warmth in their interactions, a silent understanding that words couldn't capture.

Their friends often teased them about being a perfect match, but neither Anika nor Anirudh dared to address these unspoken feelings. They were afraid of ruining the beautiful friendship they shared, yet deep down, they couldn't deny the fluttering in their hearts whenever they were together.


Anirudh, filled with anticipation, called Anika to discuss their upcoming music festival practice. Anika, sounding a bit subdued, replied with a simple "okay," leaving Anirudh feeling a bit unsettled.

As he made his way to her house, Anirudh noticed an unusual silence in the usually lively neighborhood. Anika's house, usually filled with the sound of music and laughter, felt strangely quiet as he approached.

Arriving at her doorstep with a bouquet of Anika's favorite roses and a box of chocolates, Anirudh hoped to bring a smile to her face. Anika's tear-streaked face greeted him, and his heart clenched at the sight.

"Anika, what's wrong?" Anirudh blurted out, his voice laced with concern and a desperate need to understand.

Anika, battling with her emotions, managed to compose herself and explained that her dad had received a sudden transfer to London. They were moving there soon, and she wasn't sure if they'd ever return to India.

Anirudh was taken aback by the news, a mixture of shock and sadness washing over him. The realization of potentially losing Anika hit him with a force he hadn't expected. It wasn't just about missing a friend; it was about losing someone who had become an integral part of his life.

In that moment of realization, Anirudh's mind raced with unspoken thoughts and unanswered questions. Was their bond more than just friendship? Did he harbor feelings for Anika that went beyond companionship? The ache in his chest seemed to echo a truth he had been avoiding, a truth that now demanded to be acknowledged.

"No, even if I do love her, she'll never see me as anything more than a friend," Anirudh whispered to himself, a bittersweet realization settling in his heart as he grappled with the complexities of their relationship and the unspoken emotions that lingered between them.

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