Chapter 22 - Shelter Of Love

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Anirudh and Anika were lost in each other in the rain, not wanting the moment to end. Anika felt completely safe in Anirudh’s arms, a sense of warmth and calm washing over her. For Anirudh, the embrace was healing his broken heart. The pain of the past year, filled with longing and fear, began to ease. Anika’s hug brought him joy, helping him forget his traumas and everything that had happened.

As the rain intensified, Anirudh noticed Anika starting to shiver. Realizing she was cold, he quickly took his blazer from where he had set it aside when Anika had pulled him into the rain. He gently draped the blazer over her shoulders.

"We should go home now, or you'll get sick," Anirudh said.

Anika, teasing him, replied, "Oh, hello! I never get sick. I always enjoy the rain. You should take care of yourself; you’re the one who might catch a cold!"

Anirudh chuckled. "We'll see."

As they walked back to the car, Anirudh glanced towards the park. Something caught his eye, but the heavy rain made it hard to see clearly. He stopped, trying to get a better look.

"Why do I feel like someone is watching us from there? But there’s no one now... it must be my imagination," he thought.

They reached the car, and Anirudh helped Anika into the passenger seat. He told the manager to join them, so the manager got into the back seat. Anirudh turned on the heater to make the car warm and cozy for Anika. He couldn’t help but keep glancing at her, noticing how beautiful she looked with her wet hair falling over her face and her sparkling, happy eyes.

Anirudh suddenly remembered Anika’s phone, which he had used to record her dancing in the rain. He began checking his pockets, then looked at the manager, who understood and handed him the phone.

The car was now warm, and Anika looked comfortable. She was about to fall asleep, still slightly tipsy. Anirudh started driving slowly, ensuring a smooth ride. He then stopped the car briefly to buckle Anika’s seatbelt, making sure she was safe.

As he drove, he glanced in the rearview mirror and noticed a strange man following them. It hit him that this might be the same person he had seen in the park. Anirudh abruptly stopped the car and got out to confront the man, the manager following his lead.

But when they looked around, no one was there. Anirudh stood there, holding his head in frustration.

"What happened, sir?" the manager asked.

"I don’t know, but I feel like someone is following us," Anirudh replied. "But let’s go home."

They got back into the car and headed home. When they arrived, Anirudh parked the car and asked the manager, "Can you open the gate while I carry Anika inside?"

Anirudh gently lifted Anika in his arms and walked towards the house. As they entered, he saw his househelper waiting in the hall.

"Thank you so much for coming. I called you from the club, and you got here so quickly. I really appreciate it," Anirudh said. "Could you stay here tonight and take care of Anika, please?"

The househelper nodded and sat in the hall, while Anirudh carried Anika to their room.

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