Chapter 16 - Unexpected Moments

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Anika and Anirudh had finished their coffee and were chatting casually. After a while, Anirudh said, "Anika, I need to freshen up and get ready. I have to reach the office early and there's a meeting I need to attend outside. Why don't you come with me today? You can see the office, and when I go for my meeting, you can explore a bit. I’ll finish quickly, and we can head back early in the evening and then go to the club tonight."

Anika smiled, "Sounds good, Anirudh. I'll get ready in a bit."

"Okay," Anirudh replied.

A little later, both were ready and they set off in the car towards the office. Anirudh was driving, enjoying the chance to spend time together, while Anika was looking out the window, taking in the sights. Suddenly, she spotted a familiar cafe and exclaimed, "Anirudh, stop the car!"

Anirudh, concerned, asked, "What happened, Anika? Are you okay?"

Anika smiled, "Yeah, I'm totally fine. But this cafe, remember? We used to come here all the time. Can we please go in? Please, please, please! You said you only have one meeting today, right? So, can we spend a little time here?"

Anirudh hesitated but then gave in, "Alright, alright, let's go."

They entered the cafe, and Anika ordered her favorite drink and food. They enjoyed their time there, reminiscing about old memories. Anika's eyes sparkled with nostalgia as she looked around, recalling the countless afternoons they had spent there, talking about their dreams and plans. Anirudh couldn't help but smile, seeing her so happy and carefree.

Back in the car, Anika said, "Anirudh, there's a bakery ahead. Can we stop there too, please?"

Anirudh couldn't say no to her, so they went to the bakery. Anika bought a lot of chocolate cookies, pastries, and other treats, delighting in each bite. Anirudh watched her, amused and happy, thinking how she looked like a child enjoying chocolates. He loved seeing this side of her, so pure and joyful.

Anika offered a piece of pastry to Anirudh, which he accepted, making her happy. "Oh my god, Anirudh, I haven't had this in so long. In London, nothing tasted like this. I missed this so much. Thank you! This is delicious."

Anirudh was so absorbed in watching Anika that he was speechless. Her happiness was contagious, and he felt a warmth spread through him just by being in her presence.

After finishing their food, Anirudh made sure to pack some cookies and pastries for Anika to enjoy later. They got back in the car, and Anirudh noticed a bit of chocolate on Anika’s lips. He told her, and she replied, "Oops, can you clean it for me? My hands are full."

As Anirudh leaned in to clean the chocolate, the moment felt romantic, reminding them both of their first kiss. Their faces were so close, and they could feel each other's breath. Just as they were about to kiss, Anirudh's phone rang. He stepped back and answered the call from his manager, informing him he’d be at the office soon.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, they resumed their journey in silence, both blushing slightly. They arrived at the office, handed the car keys to the driver for parking, and Anirudh led Anika inside. He showed her around, explaining the different departments, the garden, and the interior, and mentioned that his office was on the 13th floor.

They entered the elevator, and as they were about to reach the 13th floor  the elevator halted, the sudden stop sent a jolt through Anika, making her stumble backward slightly. Anirudh instinctively reached out and steadied her, his hands resting on her waist. In that moment of closeness, their eyes locked in a gaze filled with unspoken words. Anirudh felt a surge of emotions, a desire to express what he had been holding back for so long.

Without thinking, he gently pulled Anika towards him, her back now against the elevator wall. His hands slid from her waist to her lower back, drawing her closer as their faces inched towards each other. Anika's hands naturally found their place on Anirudh's shoulders, her body responding to the proximity and the intensity of the moment.

Their lips were just centimeters apart, a magnetic pull drawing them closer together. Anirudh could feel Anika's breath mingling with his, their heartbeats echoing in the confined space. Time seemed to slow down as they hovered on the brink of a passionate kiss, the tension between them palpable yet electric.

As their lips finally met in a tender yet fervent kiss, a fleeting moment of bliss enveloped them. The warmth of their embrace, the softness of their touch, and the depth of their feelings all converged in that brief yet powerful connection.

However, their stolen moment of intimacy was interrupted as the elevator's lights flickered back on, flooding the space with sudden brightness. This abrupt intrusion brought them back to reality, causing them to pull back from each other, their hearts pounding with a mix of exhilaration and hesitation.

Their eyes met, reflecting a myriad of emotions - longing, surprise, and a hint of uncertainty. They exchanged a silent acknowledgment of what had just transpired, a shared understanding of the unspoken feelings that lingered between them.

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