Chapter 33 - Anika's Return

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After writing the poem, I was just staring at the sky, remembering Anika and crying. No one can understand how difficult this past year has been without her. I took the bracelet from my pocket—the one I found near the dead body—and all the memories of Anika’s tragic death came flooding back. She didn’t deserve this. It was all my fault. If only I had stopped her from going to the meeting or insisted on taking her myself, or forced the driver to go, or if I hadn’t been talking to her on the phone while she was driving. I still don’t understand how such a terrible accident happened. I hope the other girl who survived is okay. I don't know how badly she was injured or if she’s even alright. I wasn't in the right state of mind at that time to ask anyone.

As I was lost in these thoughts, I heard a noise from inside the house, like something falling. I went inside and saw Anika standing there in a white dress, the same dress she wore on the day of the accident a year ago. Her hair was down, and she was crying a lot, calling my name. I ran to her, hugged her, and cried my heart out. Then I realized that there was no one there—no Anika, nothing had fallen. It was just my imagination. I collapsed to the floor, crying, “Anika, why did you leave me alone like this? You should have taken me with you. I’ve tried so hard to join you, but you’ve saved me every time. Why, Anika? The day I was about to jump off the bridge, you sent a stranger to stop me. The day I was about to hang myself, you sent aunty into the room. The day I was about to set myself on fire, you saved me again. Anika, I can’t live without you. Please let me come to you. I love you so much, Anika.”

I was lying on the floor, crying, when I heard a voice from the main gate, “I love you too, Anirudh.”

I turned to look and started crying even more, saying, “Why are you doing this to me, Anika? Why do you appear in my imagination? Just let me come to you, please don’t torment me like this.”

Then aunty came and sat beside me. I started telling her, “Aunty, look what Anika is doing to me. Why is she appearing everywhere? I miss her so much, aunty. I love her. I want to be with her.”

Someone sat beside me and hugged me. I didn’t know who it was, but the feeling was so familiar, just like when I hugged Anika. But Anika isn’t here. Yet, at least I feel like she is. “Thank you, aunty, for this hug. It really feels like Anika is with me.”

My eyes were closed, and when I opened them, I saw that aunty was sitting beside me. And the person who hugged me was Anika.

Anika is alive? But how? I saw her dead body. If she’s alive, where has she been for the past year? Why didn’t she contact me? Or is this someone else who looks like Anika?

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