Chapter 26 - A New Beginning

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Anika and Anirudh returned from the basement to the living room. Anika asked Anirudh, "Anirudh, why was the living room such a mess? Everything was scattered and broken. What happened here?"

Anirudh replied, "I was in my room when I got a call from the manager saying he had brought Winston and the other five men to the basement. As I was heading out of my room, I saw Winston's manager trying to harm me and break into your room. So, I had to hit him a little."

Anika exclaimed, "A little? You call that a little?"

Anirudh responded, "Yes, a little. Considering what Winston and the others did to you, they don't deserve to live. I wanted you to see Winston in this state first before doing anything more."

Anika sighed, "Oh," while holding her head.

Anirudh noticed, "Do you have a headache? I'll get you some medicine."

Anika nodded, "Oh yes, please. By the way, I met Rumi. He's so cute! But where is he now?"

Anirudh answered, "He's probably outside playing with the househelper."

Anika responded, "Alright."

Anirudh went to his room to get the medicine. Meanwhile, Anika sat on the sofa and started watching the other video on her phone. When Anirudh returned, he saw her engrossed in the video.

Anika remarked, "Anirudh, I don’t remember anything from last night. So much happened! My god, I'm such a fool. I don’t remember a thing, but apparently, a lot happened."

Anirudh handed her the medicine, saying, "That's not even half of it. So much more happened last night."

Anika was curious, "What else happened?"

Anirudh replied, "It's better if I don't say."

Anika was about to question him further when she noticed a love bite on Anirudh's neck and realized what might have happened. She felt a bit embarrassed.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Anirudh opened it to find Anika's mom standing there.

Anika's mom entered and sat with Anika and Anirudh, asking about their day and what had happened. Anirudh shared everything that had transpired, including how Winston had mistreated Anika.

Anika interjected, "But Mom, Anirudh handled everything. He made sure Winston and his friends got what they deserved."

Anika's mom was shocked, "Oh my god, I never expected Winston to do something like this."

To change the subject, Anirudh said, "Okay, okay, okay. Aunty, Anika, I have something to tell you both. I've planned a surprise for tonight. Please be ready by evening. Anika, if you could wear red, that would be perfect."

Anika asked, "Okay, but what's the surprise?"

Anirudh smiled, "Sorry, I can't tell you that. But I have some dresses for both of you in the room. Aunty, you can choose whichever you like."

Anika agreed, "Okay."

Hi guys, I know this chapter was a bit boring, but I promise that the upcoming chapters will be much more exciting. But yes, until then, think about what Anirudh's surprise might be. Is he going to propose to Anika? And if yes, will there be any problems during the proposal? And if there are no problems, will Anika accept the proposal? Well, we’ll find out in the next chapter. I’ll definitely post the next chapter tomorrow. Till then, keep guessing and enjoy the story!

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