Chapter 28 - Sunset Surprises

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We were in a corner of the beach, but it was incredibly beautiful. The sun was setting, its reflection shimmering on the water, and the cool breeze was blowing. The waves were gently crashing, creating a perfect, picturesque scene. Mom and I were completely lost in the beauty of it all. Suddenly, we heard a voice from behind, "How do you ladies like the surprise?"

It was Anirudh.

Mom said, "It's beautiful, Anirudh. This place is heaven."

I echoed, "Exactly, it's such a beautiful place."

Anirudh smiled, "I'm so glad you like it."

Then, looking at both of us, he said, "And yes, aunty, you look so beautiful. And Anika, you look stunning too."

I thanked him and walked closer to the water to take some pictures.

As soon as I moved ahead, Mom seized the opportunity to talk to Anirudh alone. I could faintly hear her say, "Oh my, look at you, you can't take your eyes off Anika."

Anirudh started to blush.

Mom teased, "Oh my god, you're blushing, Anirudh. So, you only said I looked beautiful as a formality. In reality, you meant it for Anika, right?"

Anirudh tried to defend himself, "It's not like that, aunty. I really meant it."

Mom laughed, "Okay, okay. By the way, why did you bring us here? Are you going to propose to Anika?"

Anirudh shyly admitted, "You figured it out, aunty."

Mom chuckled, "Of course, beta."

At that moment, I noticed them talking quietly and ran over to them, asking, "What's going on? Why are you two talking so secretly? What's happening, Mom? Anirudh? Will someone tell me?"

Anirudh quickly interjected, "Forget about that, Anika. First, look at your surprise."

I was confused, "I already saw it, Anirudh. This place is beautiful."

He shook his head, "No, no, Anika. This isn't the surprise. There's something else."

I was intrigued, "What?"

He smiled mysteriously, "You'll have to walk a bit further along the beach to find out. Shall we go?"

I agreed, "Okay."

As we started to walk, Anirudh pulled out a black blindfold from his pocket and handed it to me.

I sighed, "Anirudh, again?"

He pleaded, "Please, Anika."

I relented, "Okay."

I took the blindfold from his hand and put it on.

Anirudh then instructed, "Anika, aunty will guide you. Just walk with her. I'll join you in a bit." And with that, he ran off before I could ask any questions, signaling something to my mom.

Mom began to lead me forward, but then suddenly stopped, exclaiming, "Oh my god."

I was anxious, "Mom, what happened?"

Mom reassured me, "Nothing, just stay here. I'm right here. Call me if you need anything."

I was puzzled, "But Mom, where are you going?"

Mom replied, "I'm right here, Anika. But remember, don't take off the blindfold until you're told to."

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