Chapter 27 - A Day Of Surprises

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Anika woke up feeling much better after taking her morning medication. She had a busy morning with meetings and spent the entire time in her room working on her laptop. After finishing her meeting, she felt extremely tired and decided to step out for a break. She walked out of her room and sat down next to her mom in the living room. Her mom informed her that Anirudh had some urgent work and had to go to the office. She also mentioned that Anirudh might not be able to make it home in time to pick them up for the evening's surprise. If he couldn't come, they would go with the driver.

After chatting with her mom for a while, the househelper brought in the dresses Anirudh had picked out for them. Anika took her dress and went back to her room to get ready. She put on a stunning red bodycon dress with white clear high heels. Her mom wore a beautiful blue saree, traditional Indian attire. Anika couldn't help but admire Anirudh's excellent fashion sense.

Once they were both dressed and ready, Anika called Anirudh.

"Hi Anirudh, me and mom are both ready," Anika said.

"That's great, Anika. But I actually won't be able to come and pick you up. I'll meet you directly at the place. You and aunty should come with the driver," Anirudh replied.

"Okay, no problem," Anika said and hung up.

Anika felt a bit strange about Anirudh's sudden change of plans but decided not to dwell on it. She and her mom got into the car with the driver, who started the car and took a route Anika had never seen before. The place seemed very unfamiliar and a bit eerie. After a short drive, they arrived at their destination. The driver stopped the car a little distance from the actual location and handed Anika a blindfold, asking her to wear it and walk ahead.

Feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, Anika put on the blindfold and held her mom's hand. Together, they followed the driver’s instructions. Anika could feel the ground beneath her feet changing from pavement to something softer, perhaps grass or sand. The air felt different too, fresher, with a hint of salt as if they were near the sea.

They walked for what felt like a few minutes before the driver asked them to stop. Anika could hear the gentle sound of waves and felt a cool breeze on her face. The driver then instructed her to remove the blindfold.

Anika slowly took off the blindfold and was immediately mesmerized by the view in front of her.

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