Chapter 5 - The Day Of Separation

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The morning sun rose with a golden hue, casting its warm rays across the city. For Anika and Anirudh, however, it felt like a day of impending separation. They woke up with heavy hearts, knowing that this would be the last day they would spend together before Anika's departure.

Anika sat by her window, gazing at the sunrise, her mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions. She thought about the moments she shared with Anirudh, the laughter, the music, and the unspoken feelings that lingered between them. Today, those feelings felt more intense, more real, yet the impending separation cast a shadow over everything.

Anirudh, on the other hand, tried to distract himself by immersing in his music. He played his guitar, letting the melodies express the emotions he couldn't put into words. Each chord, each note, echoed the longing and sadness he felt about the inevitable goodbye.

Anirudh arrived at Anika's house to see her one last time and bid her a proper goodbye. As soon as Anirudh reached her place, Anika couldn't take her eyes off him. She started reminiscing about all their memories - his eyes, nose, hair, lips, his smile - every detail of his face as if she was capturing a picture in her mind. She was completely lost in those thoughts until Anika's mom called her name, bringing her back to reality. Anika and Anirudh both tried to show that they were okay, but deep down, they were both shattered.

Their flight was scheduled for 9:00 in the night, and as the evening approached, the sky turned a beautiful mix of orange and pink, a melancholic backdrop for their farewell. Just before heading to the airport, Anirudh gave Anika a gift - a musical memory. It contained songs he wrote for her, recorded but never sent, along with videos and photos of them practicing music together. Similarly, Anika had something for Anirudh, a diary where she wrote everything related to him - their moments together, their conversations, everything. She gave it to him so that whenever he missed her, he could relive those moments by reading it.

Then, they hugged. They had hugged many times before, but this hug felt different, filled with emotions they had never felt before. Anirudh was lost in that moment; he didn't want it to end. He wanted to immerse himself in her sweet fragrance, her hair, her eyes. But time waits for none.

Both of them couldn't control their tears, and Anirudh left immediately after the hug. As Anika watched Anirudh walk away, a tear escaped her eye, carrying with it the love, friendship, and tangled emotions of their beautiful journey together.

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