Chapter 9 - Unveiling Truths

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Anirudh hugged Anika, and after a while, she calmed down. Anirudh felt relieved seeing her calm, so he went to prepare her favorite snacks and coffee.

Anika, sitting on a bar stool, asked him, "When did you learn to cook?"

Anirudh replied with a smile, "Ever since you left, I've learned a lot."

Anika was delighted with her favorite snacks and coffee. She then said, "Anirudh, I'm sure you have many questions in your mind about how I came here, when I arrived, and why I'm in this condition."

Anika shared her story: "When I arrived in London, my father came to pick me up, and we went home together. I saw his office and learned about his work. He trained me and taught me everything, and I would spend the whole day at the office. I made a name for myself in the company, so I would return home late at night. One day, work was light, so I thought of leaving early to spend time with the family. When I reached home, the scene was bizarre. All the lights were off, curtains torn and lying on the floor, broken glass everywhere, and the living room in disarray as if a crime had occurred. I went to the kitchen and found blood everywhere. I heard some noises and hid behind the kitchen cabinet to listen. I saw my mom with blood flowing from her lips and body, and my dad was shouting at her. Then he took a beer bottle and car keys and left. I came out to comfort my mom; she explained that this wasn't the first time, it happened regularly, but today was worse. Since I come home late every day, I didn't notice earlier. My dad was cheating on my mom, and one day I caught him kissing someone else. After that, he would beat her daily so that she wouldn't speak up. That's when I booked a flight to India and had my dad arrested for domestic violence. We came to India, went home first, and I wanted to meet you first. But then I found out you had moved, and after asking our friends, I discovered you lived nearby. So, I came to your place, and when I reached your gate, three men were standing outside. They worked for my dad and were living in India. They recognized me and kidnapped me because they wanted revenge, so they took me to a nearby house to harm me, but I managed to escape. When I realized I was in the same area as you, I came here. I tried calling you, but you didn't answer. So, I sat in the garden, and when I saw their car, I rushed to your parking spot"

After hearing this, Anirudh's heart stopped, he felt a shock. He immediately took out his phone in anger and started talking to someone. After a while, he took me back to the same parking spot where those three men who had harmed me were standing. He approached them and shot all three of them, then hid their bodies somewhere. He was well-known, so even if the police found out, he would have escaped any consequences. Seeing Anirudh do this made me understand what a true man is.

A true man is not like my father, who raises his hand on women, cheats, and lacks respect. Instead, a true man supports them, helps them, doesn't take advantage of them, and saves their lives. He has the ability to stand up for what is right, believes in equality, and sees women as humans, not objects. That's what a real true man is.

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