Chapter 23 - Tied By Love

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As Anirudh carried Anika to her room, she stirred and opened her eyes, " I'm hungry," she said suddenly " I want to eat. "

"Anika, change your clothes first, then you can eat," Anirudh replied.

"No, I want to eat now," , Anika insisted.

So, Anirudh set her down on the living room sofa and went to the kitchen to prepare coffee and some snacks. Once everything was ready, he brought it all back to Anika.

"Come on, Anika, let's go to the room. Change your clothes first, or you'll catch a cold, and then you can eat," Anirudh urged.

" I told you, I won't catch a cold," Anika retorted.

" Okay, at least come to the room," Anirudh said with a sigh.

He led her to the bedroom, carrying the coffee and snacks. Once they were inside, he placed the snacks on the bed and handed her the coffee.

"Here, Anika. Have your coffee. And take this medicine with it so you don't catch a cold," he said.

"I told you, I won't catch a cold. Now let me eat in peace," Anika said defiantly

No sooner had she spoken than she sneezed.

"Who was saying they wouldn't catch a cold, huh?" Anirudh teased. "Who's the one sneezing now ?"

"Fine , fine. I'll take the medicine," Anika conceded.

"Good girl, " Anirudh said with a smile.

Anika finished eating, and Anirudh took the plates and cups back to the kitchen. There, he spoke with the house helper.

"Please, I need you to help Anika change her clothes. She's still a bit dizzy from the wine," Anirudh explained.

The house helper interrupted, "Don't worry, sir. The manager told me everything. I'll take care of her."

Anirudh smiled

Just then, the manager suddenly ran outside. Anirudh confused, followed him.

"What's wrong?" Why did you run out?" Anirudh asked.

"I thought I saw someone standing outside. I saw a figure in black clothes, a hat, and the face covered by a cloth. But now there's no one here," the manager explained.

"Don't worry about it. It's probably nothing. But take care of yourself and change your clothes. Also, take the car keys and go to the place I mentioned earlier," Anirudh instructed, still not revealing the location.

Anirudh had already called for bodyguards to ensure their safety. The bodyguards stood outside the gate, keeping watch.

He then went back to Anika's room. She was lying on the bed, looking exhausted. He removed his tie and set it aside before approaching her.

"Anika, I'm sending the house helper in to help you change," Anirudh said softly.

Anika didn't respond. As Anirudh turned to leave, she grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the bed.

"Anika....," Anirudh began.

"Shh," Anika interrupted.

She got up, took his tie, and came close to him, confusing him further. She leaned in, tying him to the bedpost. Then she sat beside him.

"Anika, what are you doing?" Anirudh asked, bewildered.

Anika didn't answer. She started biting his neck, leaving love bites.

"She must still be under the influence of the wine," Anirudh thought."She doesn't realize what she's doing."

Anika climbed onto his lap, kissing him passionately. She began to rip her clothes.

"Anika, please," Anirudh pleaded.

"Why,baby? Can't you handle it?" Anika teased.

"It's not that. If I lose control now, you won't be able to handle what happens next. You won't be able to walk for the next two days," Anirudh warned.

"No problem, baby" Anika said.

She loosened her hair and took out his keys and phone from his pockets, setting them aside. She lay down on top of him.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Anirudh gently moved Anika to the side and freed his hands. He went to answer the door and found the house helper standing there.

"Oh, yaa, please come in," Anirudh said.

The househelper noticed the love bites on Anirudh's neck and smiled knowingly before going inside.

Anirudh stepped out and handed the car keys to the manager, who left for his errand. Anika had changed into dry clothes  by the time Anirudh returned to the room. She was asleep on the bed.

Anirudh sat beside her and spoke softly, "Anika, I would rather die than do anything that you might regret later or that could hurt or make you feel sad."

He kissed her forehead gently, turned off the lights, and quietly left the room.

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