Chapter 24 - A Morning Of Chaos

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My eyes were closed, but I could sense everything around me—the sunlight streaming through the window, the birds chirping, the sound of cars outside. Despite all these noises, I had no desire to open my eyes because my head was throbbing with pain. It felt like ten people were standing on my head, making it hard to bear. That’s why I kept my eyes shut. Then, I heard the sound of the door opening, followed by footsteps approaching me. But soon, the footsteps stopped, and I heard them retreating, followed by the sound of the door closing. This meant whoever it was had left after opening the door.

Just then, I heard a "meow," but I ignored it, thinking it was probably from outside. Suddenly, something tugged at my hair, and I heard a "meow" right next to my ear. I instantly sat up. Due to the intense headache, my vision was blurry at first, but after rubbing my eyes, I could see clearly. I spotted a cat, a Scottish Fold, next to my pillow. That cute little cat was incredibly adorable. I tried to recall how I ended up in my room, remembering that I was at the club, but I decided to ignore that and started playing with the cat. She was very playful and enjoyed playing with me.

I noticed a locket around her neck with the name "Rumi" on it. Such a cute name. (Oh wait, I remembered Anirudh telling me about Rumi, his cat, who was at the vet because she was a bit sick). I guessed Rumi had recovered and returned. Just then, my phone notification went off, and I looked for my phone, picked it up, and started checking messages. Then I opened the camera to take pictures of Rumi. I took lots of photos and some selfies with Rumi. When I opened the gallery to see the pictures, I noticed two recent videos. As I started watching the videos, Rumi ran out of my hands and out of the room.

I began watching the first video. It was from last night, showing me enjoying the rain. I felt good watching it. After the video ended, I decided to freshen up before watching the second one. I went to the bathroom and noticed in the mirror that my dress had changed. I couldn’t remember anything about the previous night. The more I tried to recall, the more my headache worsened. So, I decided to let it go, washed my face, took a shower, and got dressed. I thought about having some coffee and taking some medicine before watching the second video. As I picked up my phone and headed out, Rumi returned to my room. I picked her up, and it seemed she was hungry too. I remembered seeing cat food in the drawers a few days ago. I opened a drawer, found the cat food and a bowl, and fed Rumi. She ate with so much love.

Afterwards, I placed the bowl aside and was about to take Rumi outside when she ran out of the room. I walked out, holding my head, looking down as I went. Suddenly, I stepped on something that made a breaking sound. Looking down, I saw it was a piece of a broken plate. When I lifted my head, I was shocked. The house looked like a crime scene. Everything was in disarray—the sofas were overturned, the kitchen was a mess with broken plates and glasses all over the living room floor, and lamps and tables were knocked over. Seeing this, I was reminded of my past, the state of the house in London. But I tried not to dwell on the past. Still, I was truly scared seeing the house like this.

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