Chapter 8 - Reunion In Pain

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Anirudh had decided to check the garden to see if the girl he saw was indeed there. So, he first went to his room to change into a t-shirt and then went outside with his phone. As he reached the garden, there was no one there. He looked around everywhere, wandering through the entire garden, but there was no sign of anyone. This made him think that it might have been a figment of his imagination. Therefore, while still looking at his phone, he headed back home.

As he was walking back, he noticed that the light of his parking spot was on, which made him think that he might have left it on. So, he went there to turn it off. When he reached there, he could smell a familiar fragrance, one similar to Anika's. However, he decided to ignore it and continue towards the switchboard (he ignored it because he thought he might be missing Anika too much, and it was impossible for her to be there).

Just as he was about to reach the switchboard, someone grabbed him from behind and hugged him. Since she hugged him from behind, he couldn't see her face. But noticing her hands, he couldn't resist turning around to see who it was. And there she was, the girl about whom the stranger had informed him over the phone, the same girl he had seen in his garden. Anika.

He noticed that her hands and legs were covered in scratches, her whole body was red, and there were numerous wounds and cuts. Her lips had blood oozing out, and she was crying uncontrollably. Anirudh was shocked to see her in such a state. He immediately took her inside the house, made her sit down, gave her water to drink, and then used cotton from the first aid box to clean her wounds and cuts. Anika's condition broke Anirudh's heart. As he cleaned the blood, she held his hand tightly with tears streaming down her eyes.

It felt like a rewind of the events from a year ago, as if the entire year had just rolled back. Anirudh didn't want to let go of her back then, and now, seeing her after a year, it felt like she didn't want to let go of him either. She was crying intensely, and her distress was palpable. Anirudh locked the door and drew the curtains as he understood her need for privacy.

He then went to her, hugged her tightly, trying to calm her down. But she continued crying uncontrollably, completely shattered. Anirudh couldn't understand why Anika was in India now, especially when all flights from London to India had been banned for weeks. How did she come here? What happened to her? Who had caused her such injuries and distress? These questions lingered in his mind as he held her close, trying to provide comfort in her moment of anguish.

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