Chapter 34 - Love's Second Chance

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" Anika, you're alive! Anika, are you really alive? Aunty, am I dreaming? Oh my God, Anika, you're perfectly fine. You really are alive. And this is really you, right? Or is it someone else? Anika, where have you been for the past year? Why didn’t you contact me? I saw your dead body. And look, I found this bracelet near the body, so I thought it was you. Anika, please tell me everything. Please. What is happening to me? Anika!"

Anirudh started crying uncontrollably, holding his head.

I held his hand and said, "Anirudh, it’s really me, Anika, your Anika, and it’s true, I am alive. Do you think I could ever leave you? I can't live without you either, Anirudh. I love you so much, Anirudh."

I gave Anirudh a kiss on the forehead, made him sit on the sofa, and gave him some water.

Then I started to explain everything. "Anirudh, when I was talking to you on the phone while driving, I saw a car coming from the wrong side. The brakes of that car had apparently failed, and the girl driving it was panicking, so she took the wrong side and suddenly came in front of me. Our cars collided. My head hit the steering wheel, and I started bleeding. I felt very dizzy. I saw petrol leaking from the girl’s car, and there was a fire nearby. The fire reached both our cars, and I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was in an ambulance. The ambulance arrived in time and saved me. They were taking me to the hospital, and I passed out again. I went into a coma and just woke up today. My mom told me that you had moved here, so I came straight here with her. Anirudh, my bracelet fell when they were taking me from the car to the ambulance."

Anirudh said, "Oh my God, Anika. I am so stupid. I immediately assumed it was you when I saw the bracelet. Oh my God. I should have asked the police about the girl in the other car. Maybe I could have found you in the hospital. I am so sorry, Anika."

Anika's mom said, "Anirudh, dear, I’m sorry, but I knew everything. I got a call from the hospital from Anika’s phone. I went to see Anika, but when I got there, I found out she was severely injured and in a coma. The doctors told me she wouldn’t survive, so I came to you instead. I didn’t tell you because it would have hurt you more to see Anika in a coma. You would have been heartbroken every day, and it would have ruined your health. So, I kept it from you. This morning, I got a call from the hospital saying Anika was improving. When I went there, I found out she was alright and getting discharged, so we came here."

Anirudh said, "No, aunty, please don’t apologize. You did the right thing. Thank you, God, that Anika is alright."

Then I asked Anirudh, "Anirudh, can we get married tomorrow?"

Anirudh replied, "Of course, Anika, we will get married tomorrow. But first, you have to come with me to the graveyard with flowers. I went there every day, thinking it was your grave, with flowers and pastries. But now that the situation has turned around, I can’t just stop going. Her death was so tragic. Maybe we can help her have a better afterlife."

I said, "Yes, Anirudh, we will go, and we will go every day."

So, the three of us went to the graveyard with flowers and pastries and prayed for the girl, offering her the flowers and pastries.

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