Chapter 6 - Whispers Of Absence

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Anirudh sighed as he reflected on the passing year. "It's been one year now, and unfortunately, we haven't been able to talk even once. It's not like I haven't tried reaching out to her, but whenever I called or texted, her father would either cut the call or they wouldn't answer. It's strange because this has never happened before. And the way her father is behaving is quite surprising to me, but it's okay. Maybe it's for the best because Anika has become quite famous. Every day, there are articles and news features about her, how she established a successful jewelry business within just one year. I'm very proud of her. Oh, by the way, I've become a backup singer now. I sing for movies and sometimes write songs too. I never had a passion for writing, but thinking about Anika, I end up writing. Today marks the day she left. I don't know when we'll meet again. I miss her terribly. I've promised myself that when I do meet her, I'll tell her how much I love her. This past year has made me realize a lot, you know? She's the one who can complete this incomplete sentence of my life. But sometimes, I fear she might have forgotten me amidst her success. It's okay; destiny will decide."

As the evening approached, Anirudh found himself missing her even more, especially since the weather mirrored exactly how it was a year ago. He had just called her, and though she picked up, her voice sounded slow, sad, and tearful. Suddenly, he heard loud voices, possibly from older boys, yelling at Anika. Why were they yelling? Why was Anika distressed and crying? What was the urgency that prevented her from talking to him? Was she in trouble, or was it something else keeping her away from him?

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