Chapter 15 - Unmasking The Lies

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Anika's mom began knocking urgently on Anirudh's door, but Anirudh, lost in thought on the balcony, didn't hear her. He was gazing at the moon, reminiscing about the special moments he had shared with Anika. His mind was swirling with memories when his phone buzzed. It was Anika's mom calling. He picked up the phone from the bed just as he heard the knocking again. Opening the door, he saw Anika's mom standing there, looking both worried and oddly relieved.

She hurried inside, locking the door behind her, and led him to the balcony. They sat down, and Anirudh offered her some water before asking, "Aunty, what happened? Are you okay?"

Anika's mom replied, "No, beta, there has been a big misunderstanding. Or perhaps a lie. I had to clear this up, which is why I disturbed you."

Anirudh was immediately concerned. "No, no, aunty, it's no trouble at all. Please tell me what happened."

"Beta, when I went back to my room, I checked my phone and read the same article you mentioned earlier. I read all the points and felt something was off. When I saw the pictures, I became suspicious. That's why I came to tell you. The points mentioned in the article were private matters – business deals that only you and Anika knew about. The photos were taken in places where only we had access, and no one else was allowed. Even security cameras weren't permitted there. The photos were all related to business meetings, and I was there for many of them. This means the article is fake, and whoever wrote it twisted the truth."

Anirudh listened intently as Anika's mom explained, showing him the photos and pointing out the inconsistencies. He felt a mixture of relief and concern. Relief because the article was fake, and concern because someone had gone to great lengths to spread these lies. He felt a glimmer of hope that maybe Anika still loved him.

However, he pushed that thought aside to focus on the real issue – who was behind this. He immediately called his manager, instructing him to find out who wrote the article, who took the pictures, and to secure the club's security footage from last night. He also asked him to keep an eye on Winston and gather more information about him.

After ensuring that Anika's mom was calm and understood the situation, Anirudh helped her back to her room. He couldn't rest, though. His mind was racing, and he began his own investigation. By morning, he was exhausted and had a splitting headache. He decided to take a break and headed to the kitchen to make coffee.

Just then, he saw Anika coming out of her room, holding her head.

"Anika, what happened? Are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

"I have a terrible headache, Anirudh," she replied.

"Don't worry, darling. I'll make some coffee. You'll feel better soon," he said, trying to sound as normal as possible to keep her from worrying about the article.

As he made coffee, he checked his phone and saw a message from his manager saying the article had been taken down. Anirudh felt a wave of relief wash over him. He brought the coffee to Anika, who smiled gratefully.

"Thank you so much for this amazing coffee, Anirudh. I feel much better already," she said.

"You're welcome," Anirudh began, but Anika interrupted him.

"Anirudh, I had so much fun at the club last night. I feel like going back today. Can we go? Winston might come too," she said excitedly.

Hearing this, Anirudh realized this could be a perfect opportunity to find out more about the fake article and to learn more about Winston. Without hesitation, he agreed, "Sure, Anika. Let's go."

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