Chapter 11 - A Night of Revelations

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Anirudh went to his room to sleep but couldn't manage a wink all night. Two thoughts consumed him: the sight of Anika crying and bearing scars, and the impending proposal he planned for her the next day. He had bought a beautiful diamond ring for her long ago, and it had been tucked away waiting for this moment. The entire night, he mulled over how he would propose and where it would take place.


Anika's mother was already up, sitting in the hall. When Anirudh emerged, she noticed his tired face and bloodshot eyes, realizing he hadn't slept all night. Anirudh explained his sleeplessness, and understanding, Anika's mother refrained from asking further.

Anirudh went for his morning jog, still lost in thoughts. Only when his manager called did he snap back to reality, realizing he was running late. Rushing back home, he quickly freshened up, had breakfast, and hurried off to the office. But before leaving, he peeked into Anika's room; she was still fast asleep. Anirudh decided to let her rest peacefully, now that she was safe with him.

As he left, Anika's mother inquired about his plans to propose to Anika and where it would happen. Anirudh shared that he planned to do it at the club that night, surrounded by friends. With that, he set off for the office.

After signing contracts at the office, Anirudh went shopping for a beautiful red dress for Anika to wear that night. He also picked out matching accessories and heels, preparing everything for her. Along with the gifts, he sent a letter:

"Hi Anika, this dress and everything else is for you. We are going to the club tonight, and I've invited all our friends. Please wear this and join me tonight."

He included a bouquet of flowers, pastries, and chocolates, sending them along with his manager and driver to Anika's place.

Back in his office, while seated in his cabin, Anirudh was approached by a man named Winston. Though there was nothing odd about Winston's appearance, his aura felt different.

Anirudh welcomed Winston into his office, and they engaged in a conversation as they finalized their deal.

Winston: "I must say, Anirudh, I'm quite impressed with your work. Your music has made quite an impact."

Anirudh: "Thank you, Winston. It's great to hear that from someone of your caliber."

Winston: "I've been following your career for some time now. I believe we could create something magical together."

Anirudh: "That sounds like an exciting prospect. I look forward to collaborating with you."

Their discussion flowed smoothly, and soon they had signed the contract, sealing their partnership. As they wrapped up, Winston extended an invitation to a celebration.

Winston: "Anirudh, why don't we celebrate this collaboration tonight? I know a fantastic club nearby where we can unwind."

Anirudh hesitated for a moment, knowing his plans with Anika were also set for the night.

Anirudh: "I appreciate the offer, Winston. However, I have a prior commitment tonight with friends. Perhaps another time?"

Winston: "Of course, I understand. We'll save the celebration for another occasion."

Anirudh's phone rang; it was Anika calling. After the call, Anirudh realized he was running late for the club and excused himself from Winston, who understood and left.

After Winston left, Anirudh felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He was looking forward to proposing to Anika but also intrigued by the possibilities of working with Winston. These thoughts lingered as he made his way home, eager for the night's events to unfold.

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