Chapter 7 - Unexpected Encounter

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Anirudh was heading home from his office, feeling exhausted and drained. The day had been particularly hectic, especially after four hours of continuous music practice that left his throat sore. To top it off, the traffic was unusually heavy, adding another hour to his usual commute time. He decided to take a short rest in his car before continuing the journey home. By the time he woke up, he had already reached his house. Checking his phone, he realized he had spent nearly two hours resting in the car.

As he entered his house, the first thing he did was plug his phone in for charging and then headed for a hot water bath to relax his tired muscles. After changing into fresh clothes, he went out for dinner. His cook had prepared a meal for him, which he enjoyed while watching TV. Soon after, he felt extremely tired and went straight to bed.

Just as he was about to doze off, his phone rang with an unknown number. Since he didn't recognize the number, he ignored the call and put his phone on silent before going to sleep with his headphones on. Sometime later, he felt an odd sense of restlessness and unease, something different than usual. Wondering if everything was alright, he got up to drink some water.

Upon checking his phone, he noticed he had received 40 missed calls from the same unknown number along with several urgent text messages requesting him to call back. Concerned, he immediately dialed the number, and a man picked up. Anirudh mentioned the missed calls, and the man explained that a girl had been crying hysterically and had used his phone to call Anirudh.

(Suddenly, Anirudh's thoughts drifted to Anika, but he quickly dismissed the idea since she was in London.)

Anirudh asked if the girl was still there, and the man informed him that she had left a short while ago. Curious, Anirudh inquired about the girl's appearance, and the man described her as wearing a black skirt, white top, and a black coat. She had heels on, and her hair was open.

Thanking the man, Anirudh ended the call and mulled over the strange situation. Just then, he heard a faint sound, which seemed to be the doorbell. Removing his headphones, he listened carefully and heard the doorbell again. He hurried to the gate and opened it but found no one outside. However, he noticed a girl sitting in the nearby garden, her face not visible from where he stood. She was dressed exactly as the man on the phone had described.

Is she the same girl? If not, then who is she? Why is she sitting there like this? And how does she know me? How does she have my number and name? I've changed my address, so how does she know where I live?

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