Chapter 13 - An Evening Of Uncertainty

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As he straightened up, ring in hand, he saw the two of them talking animatedly. Anika’s face was lit up with excitement and happiness, a look he had hoped would be directed at him tonight. His heart sank as he watched her animated expressions, her eyes sparkling with joy. It was a look he had imagined countless times being directed at him, not someone else. He clenched his jaw, trying to maintain his composure. This was supposed to be their night, a night to remember.

Feeling dejected, Anirudh walked off the dance floor and rejoined his friends, forcing a smile as he approached them. He tried to immerse himself in their conversations, but his mind kept drifting back to Anika and the mysterious man. His friends were laughing and joking, but he felt disconnected, his thoughts consumed by the scene unfolding across the room. He glanced over occasionally, noticing Anika scanning the dance floor, seemingly looking for someone. His heart skipped a beat when their eyes met, and Anika quickly made her way back to him.

"Anirudh, come with me," she said urgently, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the man she had hugged earlier.

When they reached him, Anirudh forced a smile and said, "Hi Winston, good to see you here. I’m surprised to see you at this club."

Winston responded with a taunting tone, "Hi Anirudh, good to see you too. I didn’t know you’d be here tonight. Sorry if I’m intruding on your privacy."

Anirudh shook his head, trying to hide his discomfort. "No, no, Winston, it’s nothing like that. Don’t worry about it."

Anika looked back and forth between them, puzzled. "Wait a second, you two know each other already? I thought this was your first meeting."

Anirudh nodded and asked Anika, "Anika, how do you know Winston, and for how long?"

Anika beamed. "Winston is my friend from London. When I was there, my father wouldn't let me talk to anyone, but Winston was my neighbor. We gradually became business partners and good friends. Whenever I felt sad, Winston would cheer me up just like you do, with my favorite songs and chocolates. Even though he's a music composer, he knows a lot about business and helped me a lot with business ideas. In London, I found another version of you, Anirudh."

Hearing this made Anirudh feel a pang of sadness. Anika’s words were meant to be comforting, but they stung. He tried to mask his emotions, but the hurt was palpable. He watched as Anika led Winston over to meet their friends, her enthusiasm and excitement only deepening the ache in his chest.

Taking a deep breath, Anirudh tried to steady himself before heading over to his manager, who had become his best friend over the years. The manager, seeing Anirudh's face and understanding the situation, didn't say anything, just offered silent support. He handed Anirudh a drink, which he accepted gratefully, taking a long sip in an attempt to calm his nerves.

As the night wore on, Anirudh noticed Winston taking Anika by the hand and leading her to the dance floor. Something about Anika's body language seemed off; she looked uncomfortable. Or was Anirudh just overthinking? He watched closely as Anika kept glancing back at him, her eyes pleading for help.

Anirudh decided to act. He grabbed another drink and walked over to the dance floor, "accidentally" spilling it on Winston. "I am so sorry, Winston. It slipped."

Winston, trying to mask his irritation, replied, "No problem, Anirudh. I'll just go clean up in the restroom."

Winston's face was a mask of barely contained anger, but he held back because of Anika. Anirudh could sense the tension and was relieved to see Winston walk away.

Anika turned to Anirudh and said, "Anirudh, it's getting late, and I'm really tired. Let's go home."

Anika quickly said goodbye to Winston and pulled Anirudh towards the exit. They got into the car, and as Anirudh started driving, Anika sighed with relief.

"Thank you, Anirudh," she said. "You saved me from Winston. Even though he's a good friend, I don't like the way he touches me. You're the only one who truly understands me, and no one can ever take your place."

Anirudh felt a mixture of relief and happiness hearing Anika's words. They drove home in comfortable silence, the tension from earlier slowly dissolving. Anirudh's mind was still a whirlwind of thoughts, but Anika's words provided a soothing balm to his wounded heart. He glanced over at her occasionally, her serene expression bringing a sense of peace.

Just as they were about to reach home, Anirudh checked his phone. A notification blinked on the screen, and he opened it absentmindedly. His eyes widened in shock as he read the message. It was something he had not expected, something that turned his world upside down in an instant.

His hands trembled slightly as he gripped the steering wheel. The words on the screen blurred as he tried to comprehend their meaning. It felt as though all his senses had shut down, his mind going blank. Anirudh's heart pounded in his chest, and for a moment, it felt as if he had slipped into a living coma, unable to process what he had just read.

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