Chapter 17 - Secrets And Surprises

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After their kiss, Anirudh and Anika saw Anirudh’s manager standing outside the elevator. Both of them felt extremely embarrassed and a bit tense. Anirudh cleared his throat, trying to make the situation appear normal, while Anika stepped out of the elevator, her cheeks flushed with a deep red blush that she couldn’t hide. Anirudh, too, was blushing but managed to conceal it with a composed smile. As they walked out, the manager, trying to ease the awkwardness, greeted Anika with a bouquet of flowers.

"Welcome to our office, ma'am," the manager said, handing her the bouquet.

Anika accepted it with a shy smile. "Thank you. This office is really beautiful, Anirudh."

Anirudh simply smiled in response. The manager, sensing the need for some privacy, quickly came up with an excuse. "Sir, I'll get the cabin ready. Meanwhile, why don’t you show ma'am the balcony?"

"Good idea," Anirudh said, turning to Anika. "Let's go. I’ll show you the balcony."

They stepped onto the balcony, where the view was stunning. Birds flew overhead, a gentle breeze was blowing, and the sky was gradually filling with dark clouds, hinting at rain. The ocean shimmered under the sunlight, creating a picturesque scene. Anirudh watched Anika as she took in the view, feeling happy that she seemed to enjoy it so much.

They both wanted to say something, but after what had just happened, they were too embarrassed to speak. Still, a slight smile lingered on both their faces, and their minds were filled with thoughts of their near-kiss in the elevator.

Anirudh broke the silence. "Anika, let’s go inside. I’ll show you my office."

"Sure," Anika replied.

Inside, Anirudh introduced Anika to his team. She enjoyed meeting everyone, and soon they were in his cabin, chatting casually about their respective businesses.

Just then, the manager entered the cabin, reminding Anirudh of something important. "Anika, you mentioned earlier that Winston might come to the club tonight. Why don’t you call him to confirm?"

Anika dialed Winston’s number. "Hi Winston, how are you?"

"Hi Anika, I’m doing great. How about you?" Winston replied.

"I’m good. By the way, are you coming to the club tonight?" Anika asked.

"Yes, absolutely. I'll be there," Winston confirmed.

Anirudh quickly signaled Anika not to mention that he would also be there. When she asked why, Anirudh said he wanted to surprise Winston.

But in reality, Anirudh had a different reason for keeping it a secret. He didn't want Winston to know about his presence for a reason he kept to himself. He turned to the manager. "Make sure the driver picks up Winston from his house tonight."

Anika excused herself to take a call from her mom, leaving Anirudh and the manager alone.

The manager looked puzzled. "Why are you doing this, sir? You knew Winston was coming, yet you’re going to the club and not telling him about it. And you’re even sending a car to pick him up."

Anirudh just smiled and nodded without giving an explanation.

After the call, Anika returned, and they continued their conversation. Despite the earlier embarrassment, the atmosphere gradually relaxed, and they found themselves enjoying each other’s company again. The day went on smoothly, filled with light-hearted moments and business discussions, all while both Anirudh and Anika kept thinking about the night ahead and the mystery surrounding Winston’s involvement.

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