Chapter 20 - Lost In The Storm

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Anika still felt incredibly dizzy. The medicine wasn't working because she had too many drinks. She couldn’t walk properly, so Anirudh gently lifted her in his arms. Anika, seeking comfort, wrapped her arms around his neck for support and rested her head on his chest, quickly falling asleep.

Anirudh was torn between two emotions: intense anger at the person who had hurt Anika and a deep sense of comfort from having Anika so close, feeling safe in his arms. For a few moments, he forgot all about Winston. He just wanted to stay with Anika, watching her sleep peacefully on his chest. Her presence calmed his angry heart without her even trying.

As Anirudh carried Anika out of the club, everyone watched them, but he didn't care. To him, Anika was his whole world. He reached his car and asked his manager to open the passenger door so he could gently place Anika inside. He carefully buckled her seatbelt, took off her heels, and put them in the back seat, knowing they must be hurting her feet. Anirudh had already kept her flats in the car, just in case. He quietly put them on her, making sure not to wake her.

He then sat in the driver’s seat, handed his manager the keys to another car, and quietly instructed him to go to an undisclosed location. Speaking softly to avoid waking Anika, he watched his manager drive away. Just as Anirudh was about to start the car, Anika shifted and rested her head on his shoulder, finding comfort. Anirudh placed his hand on her head, held her hand, and whispered, "Anika, I promise you, whoever hurt you will not get away with it. I'll find Winston no matter where he is. I’ll do anything for you. I’ll never leave you alone again. I’m sorry for today."

A tear fell from his eye and landed on Anika’s face, waking her up. Still groggy, she asked, "Anirudh, why are you crying? What happened?"

"Nothing, Anika. Don’t worry," he reassured her softly, wiping away his tear.

"Where are we going?" she asked, her voice still faint and sleepy.

"We're going home, Anika," he replied gently, stroking her hair.

"Why?" she asked, her confusion apparent.

"It’s late, and you need to rest now," he said, trying to calm her.

"Okay, sir," she said, mimicking him and laughing softly.

Seeing her laugh made Anirudh smile. Her laughter, even in such a state, was like music to his ears, a reminder of her strength and resilience.

"Ready to go, my love?" he asked, looking into her eyes.

"Yes, let's go," she replied, her voice a bit steadier now.

Anirudh started driving, choosing a route with less traffic to avoid noise and reach home quickly. He was glad Anika’s mother wasn’t home tonight; she would have been heartbroken to see Anika like this.

Suddenly, it started raining. Anika got excited and noticed an ice cream parlor nearby. "Anirudh, I want ice cream!" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up despite her condition.

Anirudh pulled over and looked at the parlor. "Not tonight, Anika. Let’s go home now," he said, trying to be firm but gentle.

"Please, Anirudh, please," she pleaded, making a cute face that she knew he couldn't resist.

Anirudh sighed, unable to deny her. "Okay, fine, but on one condition."

"Okay, what's the condition?" she asked, curiosity piqued.

"You stay in the car and lock the doors. Don’t open it for anyone, okay?" he said, emphasizing the importance.

"Okay, I won't even open it for you," she joked, laughing lightly.

"I'm serious, Anika," he said, his tone more serious.

"Okay, okay. Now go quickly," she urged, her laughter fading.

Anirudh got out and headed to the parlor. There were a few people ahead of him, so he had to wait. He kept glancing at the car, not wanting to take any risks. Finally, it was his turn. The staff asked, "Which ice cream would you like, sir?"

Anirudh ordered Anika’s favorite ice cream. As he turned around, he checked the car and saw the doors were still closed and no one was around, so Anika was safe. But the heavy rain made it hard to see inside the car.

He rushed back and opened the car door, only to find that Anika wasn’t there. He checked the back seats, but she was nowhere to be found.

Where had anika gone? Did she leave on her own? Did someone take her ? Or was it winston?

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