Chapter 18 - A Night Of Truths

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Evening arrived, and Anirudh and Anika left the office to head home. Before leaving, Anirudh asked his manager if there was any update on the article they were investigating.

"Not yet, sir, but we should have some information very soon," the manager replied.

"Alright, no problem. Just let me know tonight at the club," Anirudh said.

At that moment, Anika approached them. "Anirudh, Winston just called. He said not to send the car; he'll come on his own."

"Okay, no problem. Let's head home then," Anirudh responded, maintaining a calm demeanor. He knew Winston was playing games but chose to say nothing.

As they drove home, Anirudh casually asked, "By the way, Anika, where does Winston live? Just curious."

Anika replied, "Do you remember the bungalow near the garden where we used to go? It's somewhere around there, but I'm not sure of the exact location."

"Oh, I see," Anirudh said, nodding.

When they arrived home, they were informed by the house helpers that Anika's mom had gone out for some work and would return the next night. Both Anirudh and Anika went to their rooms to change. As Anirudh entered his room, he noticed a letter on the table. It was from Anika's mom.

"Hi Anirudh, my son. I know a lot happened yesterday, and the day was quite ruined. Before you propose to Anika, clear up all misunderstandings and spend some quality time together at home. That’s why I went to my friend’s house, to give you both some privacy."

Anirudh immediately messaged Anika's mom, thanking her but saying she didn’t need to go out of her way. He promised he would clear up everything with Anika.

After changing, Anirudh came out and saw Anika. He was momentarily speechless, thinking about how lucky he was to have her. But he quickly snapped out of his thoughts, knowing that tonight was special for reasons he hadn't yet revealed.

Soon, they left for the club, arriving a bit early. They sat at the bar, enjoying themselves with friends when Anirudh noticed Winston arriving. Excusing himself, Anirudh went over to his manager to keep an eye on Winston without being seen.

While Anirudh was discreetly watching Winston, his manager received a call and took Anirudh outside the club.

"What's wrong? You look tense. Who was on the call?" Anirudh asked.

The manager, visibly distressed, replied, "We found out about the article. Winston was behind it. He had his manager take those photos and spread the article. He’s also involved in other shady activities. He's known to trap and exploit women. There are numerous news articles about him being accused in rape cases, but he always manages to escape punishment by paying off people. His victims suffer while he goes free. He approached Anika with ulterior motives to use her."

Hearing this, Anirudh felt a surge of anger and fear. He ran back inside to find Anika, but she was nowhere to be seen, nor was Winston. Panic set in as he realized he should never have left Anika alone with Winston.

"Oh no, I shouldn’t have gone outside. I shouldn’t have left her alone with that bastard," Anirudh said, on the verge of tears. "Where is she? Where is Anika?"

Desperately searching the club, Anirudh felt his heart sink with every passing moment. Just as he was about to give up and run outside, he heard a voice call out from behind him. Turning around, he was stunned by what he saw.

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