Reader's Corner

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Thank you all for joining me on this journey with my first book! Writing it has been an incredible experience. I’d love to hear your thoughts:

1. How did you find the story overall?
2. Which chapter was your favorite?
3. Who was your favorite character?
4. Was there a particular line or moment that resonated with you?
5. Were there any chapters you found unsatisfying?
6. Did any part of the book feel poorly written?
7. Any tips you have for improving my writing?
8. What’s your overall impression of the book?
9. What do you think are the book's strengths and weaknesses?
10. Were there parts where the pacing felt too slow or too rushed?

Thank you so much for reading and supporting this book. I started writing simply because I love it, and I never expected to reach 1K reads in just one month. I truly enjoyed writing this story, and I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much. Stay tuned for my next book. Until then, goodbye and love you all!

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