(41). - The 4 Myth Discussion.

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3 Days after the
Fourth Myths disappearence...

Within the closed off sections of the lower bases of the academy, inside a massive dark room there was a single giant, round table - seemingly made from sort of black crystal, with 5 Chairs all around it - each one made from different materials and coloured in different colours, as well as having different designs overall.

Four dark shadow figures appeared in the room, each one coming out of their own patch of dark shadows present in the room, before all four of them moved towards the table and took their seats around the table, occupying 4 of the 5 chairs.

One of the chairs was coloured as bright as emeralds, giving it a greenish tone, while its design was very sharp and imposing, looking like two giant 'tusks' were coming from its sides. Accordingly, the figure sitting in this chair had a dark greenish aura around it with a pair of emerald green eyes that stared at the other 3 figures.

The next chair in the clockwise line was coloured a deep blue - one that resembled a deep sapphire or even lapis colour. The design had a pair of giant deep blue crystal wings on it, which were seemingly there to replicate the appearance of feathered wings. The figure sitting in this throne also shared the same deep blue aura and shining, deep blue eyes.

The third chair in the clockwise line was coloured a very deep purple colour - so deep, that it almost looked like it was black. The crystal design on it resembled that of 2 pairs of wings, only this time they were made from crystals that were a lighter purple colour and were shaped like blades. The figure occupying this throne, had the a lighter purple aura around it while its eyes were a very dark purple.

The last chair - or throne - which was occupied by the present figures, was the biggest one of all of them. The throne was around twice as big as the other ones and its crystals had a very deep white and black colouring to them - the two colours mixing together in a perfect balance. The design of the throne was similar to a giant crystal tooth, with other elements to it as well to make it look more imposing. The figure in this throne was a bigger than the other 3, and it's aura was also the same - black and white colour combo as it's throne. However, its eyes, weren't either black noir white, instead, they were a bright, shining grey.

The last throne in the room was the empty one. This one was made of crystals that had a deep red colour to them - almost like a darker shade of Ruby Red. The design was mostly similar to the other 4 smaller thrones, with the main difference being the 8 giant spider like legs coming from it - almost like they were holding the throne in the ground.

All the figures were silent as they sat still in their respective thrones. Then, the largest one of them all lifted up its arm, before gesturing to everyone else to get up.
As gestured, all 4 figures got up from their thrones. Then, the largest one let out an ominous breath, before placing his arms to his sides - the arms seemingly vanishing as they were as dark as the figure itself.

<Rentrituar>[1st Myth of Yiinao Academy];
"Now then - since all of us are here, we can begin."

Rentrituar stated, before extending his arms out and basking the room they were in a dim light, which was enough to reveal their true looks under the mask of shadows.
One was a mammoth looking demon - with its tusks bending backwards to form what resembled two horns on the sides of his head.

The next one over, with the deep ocean blue aura, seemingly resembled a cross between a Eagle and a Lion with around 3 horns on either side of its head going upwards. It almost looked like a griffin.

The next one after that, the purple aura figure, resembled a Pterodactyl like beast, with giant rock like wings and one massive horn on its forehead.

Lastly, was the largest figure of the four, Rentrituar, who resembled a sort of a dragon, with 4 wings coming from its back. This also explained its abnormaly large size when compared to the other three figures present.
Then, afterwards, all of the present Myths, simply sat back down onto their thrones, with Rentrituar taking his seat last. Then, he lifted his right hand up infront of him, before sharpening his gaze.

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