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Hema's POV:
A silence surrounds me . And I'm stuck in my delusion and reality. But both are showing the same thing. ' SP is crying ' really ?? Now what should I do ?? Someone help me . The tension atmosphere surrounds us .

Hema : SP ! Are you crying ? ( Idiot ! What question is this ? Dig a hole and bury yourself )

SP : what do you want to hear from me ?

Hema : SP! I'm..... Actually...... I'm sorry . Not only for today but for everything which is going on between us.. but today I lost my mind really ! I know I'm at fault . But it happened. So , let's not talk about it .

he was silent for a few seconds. Here, his behaviour shows that he wants to tell a lot to me but he's holding back everything .

SP: I'll take you home .

HP : what ? No ! No !! It's fine . I'm alright . I can walk ... I'm serious . It's not too bad .

SP: ( he again went silent ) okay ! If that's what you want . At least tell where's your brother ? He'll take you safely.

Hema : (I scratches my head ) actually!! He didn't come to school today .

SP : great ! Now how I'll leave you ??

HP : it's alrig___

SP : shut up !

HP : sure ! 🤐

SP : okay ! Come I'll drop you home . ( Hema widened her eyes in shock )

HP: no no ... It's not a prob___

SP : I said shut your mouth !!!

Hp : but___

SP : shut up !!!

Author 's POV :

They know it's out of script .. they weren't close like before but here they are doing this again. It was a slow walk , both were silent and it's really awkward. It's like both their heart and mind are going to burst . They both really have lot to speak but right now they forgot everything and don't know what to talk.

HP : huh.... Are you still mad at me ?

SP : and why should I be mad at you ??

HP : .....

Again the silence surrounds them. They were trying to act cool but failed miserably. They reached half the way home and finally someone opens his mouth .

SP : hereafter if someone tortures you , first inform me before you do anything silly .

HP : it's about classical dance . And you don't like classical dance anyways .

SP : that doesn't mean you can fight with everyone.

HP : I don't need your help 😒

And by hearing this , SP got angry and pulled her harshly .

SP : this ... This tone of yours is the actual problem . Do you know that , Hema ?

HP : ahh.... Can't u see ? You are hurting me , idiot .

SP: ( realisation hits him and he released her from his hold ) sorry ! Just tell me if someone troubles you . It's an order not a request . Got it ?

HP : fine !!!

With that she walked faster to avoid him . He smiled lightly and tried to match her speed. Finally they arrived her home .

SP : okay ! Don't forget to treat your wound . Bye 👋🏻 go ! Go ! fast !! Shu ... Shu 👋🏻👋🏻

HP: ( she rolled her eyes ) okay ! I will . Babye 👋🏻

After bid bye they went to their respective ways . After that day they started not to avoid each other but also they weren't trying to approach each other .
After a few days , it went little occupied for Hema as she was in classical dance.

Later the dance competition ends , HP team won 1st as expected mainly because of their creativity .

It was a fine day for Spencer as he was so happy that he won 1st in singing . Later Spencer came to drink water where he saw Hema alone . So he approached her .

SP : congrats !

Hema : thanks ! Congrats to u too !!

Spencer just nodded his head and later there were awkward silence . They just shared their presence. But out of no where , Hema laughed .

SP : and what was that for ?

HP : I don't know that you have that ' bad boy ' era in past . Even now !

SP : yeah ! I wonder how you didn't know . Our whole school knows. How come you don't about that ?

HP: BAD BOY !! (* She laughed hardly ) I remember the 1st time when I saw you , you were like a lost kid looking here and there until we made eye contact. Such a baby ! Sorry sorry ... Bad baby ( * she again laughed )

She was laughing so hard but him just staring at her , after a while Hema stopped laughing and make eye contact with him. After that , Spencer smiled a little and said " that's why I love you " .

Out of nowhere he stated that sentence which made both to shock . Again it feels like the time freezed . And a strong wind passes by ,

HP : what ?!

SP: jus .... I__..... I mean I like ..... Yeah , I like you because you were the only one who wasn't scared of me .

HP : ohh .. ( she don't know what to reply so she chooses silence will be the best answer and stayed silent )

SP : what ? Why that expression?? Don't you like me ??

HP : huh ? What ?? Me .... Yeah , yeah ... I uh .... I think my friends are calling I'll see you later. Babye 👋🏻

SP : okay ! Bye !!

She ran from that place . Her heart is beating so fast . She don't know it's because of running or because of him.

' what the hell was that ? God ! He is unpredictable. Hema no ! Don't take it to your mind . Please no !! Shit I can't... What was that Spencer ' she was blabbering in her mind after she reached the class.

In hurry , she took all her stuff and went outside the school. She waited for her brother, once he came they went to their home in full chaotic. She forced herself not to think about it .

No worries , see you in the next episode ...

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