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I write a lot of stories in notebooks but never put them on Wattpad. I basically write off the top of my head on each chapter. It may start off kind of slow but that is to put in the background information. So, read and enjoy! Hope you like it...

I'm stupid. That is the hardest thing for me to say because i'm not stupid whatsoever but action speaks louder than words. Earlier, when we were moving into our new house, I got to thinking it would be a great idea to take a walk in the woods. There was a beautiful, green and dense forest in front of the new house. Now usually I don't like nature because I have a fear for all things creepy-crawly, but my mom and dad wanted help unpacking. Call me lazy but I'm proud of it. 

Back to why i'm stupid. Well I, Nisela Burcoat, got lost in the now dark and dangerous forest. I had my cellphone with me but that doesn't quite help me finding my way out. With GPS, there needs to be an exact location and right now I'm not exactly sure where I am. I'm just going to keep walking around with the bug and bird noises creeping me the freak out. Did I mention i'm a little afraid of the dark? I am if you must know. Usually I hate the woods but it looks real calming when I entered and with the move from my hometown, I needed calming.

Man, I can't stand the darkness. It feels like I am walking in a complete circle. I wish there were signs or even light post here. There were dense, dark clouds in the sky occasionally covering the full moon.

As i'm walking, I notice the same old pine tree with a pig carved in it. Uh, weird. I keep walking until I hear a twig snap. I turned in the direction of the noise, scanning the area.

"W-who is there? Show yourself!" What the fudge brownie am I saying? Whatever it is out there, I definitely do not want to see it. At that point, I hear another twig snap, this one even louder. Then I hear a...branch snap? It must be something big. I think I need to run...yeah, that's a good idea. Being the track star I am I take off in a full sprint. Close behind me I hear something right on my trail behind me, chasing me and the fear in me increased by 1000. What ever it was was now growling like a maniac and I was getting tired from running so much, but I refused to be scared. I am not one of those hot girls who falls down and gets killed. No not I.

"Help! Help!" I screamed as loud as I could. I passed by that same annoying pine tree and as I recognized the tree, I tripped over my own foot. Ah man, why did I have to notice that stinking tree. Now I'm going to die. Before I could get up, the animal had me pinned down to the ground. So I did the most logical thing in this situation, I screamed. I screamed so loud, it hurt my own ears. The wolf, I soon realized, looked at me and gave me a confused look, if that's even possible. I tried to get up but the next thing that happened shocked me. The wolf bit me. Not being able to take the pain, I blacked out.


HI! This is the prologue. As I mentioned before, it starts out slow and builds. I hope you enjoyed. Read and comment....

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