Werewolf Bite... Chapter 3

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Cooper --->


I parked in front of a store called Shop Til Ya Drop!, my kind of store. Hi my name is Nisela Burcoat and I am a shopaholic. I have a problem with keeping money in my bank account it always end up in some store's cash register. I walked in with the intent on buying some new clothes, just a few pieces here and there so I walked to the junior section and started looking. I ended up buying a Volcom sweatshirt, a pink and black sweatshirt, white skinny jeans and a pair of studded boots. 

I walked out feeling so much better. I put my bags in the car and locked the door. I made my way down the sidewalk taking in downtown. It wasn't super busy out today but people were out enjoying the weather. There were different cafes, shopping centers, boutiques and eateries. The buildings had alley that connected each street. The top part of the buildings appeared to be studio apartments, cute. I was just walking around not really knowing where exactly I was going. Deciding I was hungry again, I walked to a nearby deli. I had a hankering for a club sandwich. I went in, feeling the cool air on my skin, and went to the counter.

"Welcome to Cosmin Deli. What can I get you?" the cashier said. Man, this dude is super hot with nice arms. It seems his name is Cooper, nice. I think I should answer him now.

"Umm, yeah, I would like a...all meaty club sandwich on wheat bread, three bags of baked chips and a large sweet tea. I would like a two cookies also." I said, my stomaching growling more and more as I rattle off what I wanted.

"Is that it ma'am. Are you sure you wouldn't like some chicken noodle soup?" he said with a grin. Is he trying to call me fat.

"Nope, that will be it and I prefer you not call me fat. I just have a big appetite for a girl." 

"I wasn't calling you fat and I can tell you have a big appetite from what you ordered. Your total is 10.05." he said with another grin. I swiped my debit card.

"Can I have cashback please, 15 dollars." he handed me a ten and a five, crisp I might add.

"So I was wondering, while I was giving you your money, that we should go out sometimes. Seeing that you are new to this town, I could show you around." 

"Thanks but no thanks." I said with a smirk. Grabbing my food and drink, I walked out. Thinking that there was a short cut back to my car, I made my way down a really long alley. It must be two huge stores beside each other. As I made my way through the alley, a dark figure appeared from behind a dumpster. Why would someone try and committ a crime in the daylight, idiot. Little does he know, I took self defense. I stopped where I was, not getting too close to the criminal.

"Hey, excuse me. I just need to get by you and get to my car. My food is getting cold also so..." I said. I was kind of getting bored.

"Give me your money!" he said in a deep voice and it was creepy.

"Look man, I don't have any money. I'm broke." I said, itching away from the man. Every step I take, he would take one. Now it's either fight or flight time. FLIGHT! I ran back the way I came from with the man right on my feet. Is anybody seeing this? A man is chasing me. We are not playing a game of tag, so why isn't anyone calling the police? I'm running as fast as I can, mind you with my food and drink in my hand. I was not wasting ten bucks.

The man was still behind me, slightly catching up. Suprisingly, i'm not tired, usually running for more than two minutes I get tired. In track, I run a 200m and I do field events which doesn't require me to run for a long time. I push a little harder and make my way down another alley.Things around me start to blur and I think it's the speed i'm going at. I have never ran this fast, even last night, running from that wolf I didn't run this fast. As I rounded the corner of the alley, I saw my car but I had to get this man off my tail. I stopped and turned around to meet him head on. Fortunately from me, he was breathing hard. Probably thought I was some weak little girl who couldn't defend herself. Well I'm about to show him.

I sat my food down on the ground and as I was doing this, the man thought it would be nice to rush up on me. I got ducked just in time to miss his punch. What is up with this man. He must be very desperate for some money because he is working to beat me. I ducked under another punch but kicked him in the stomach. Self-Defense 101. He flew back about 10 feet away and hit another car. That was too much force from that little kick I did. I didn't stay around long enough for him to get up. I ran the rest of the way to my car, not before getting my food and drink, and got in my car. I sped out of the parking lot and drove home. What an interesting day.

I got home and put my sandwich in the microwave. My little adventure made my food cold. It also made my stomach upset. I was beyond hungry, I could eat like three horses and still be hungry. After 30 seconds I took it out and started eating it immediately and let me tell ya, that was one good sandwich. I guess I'll make it my favorite restaurant. I looked towards the refridgerater and found a note posted from mom.


Nigel and I are going to the grocery store to get dinner for tonight. Nicolas went to the neighbors house. The owners have a lovely son and daughter around your age. If you want to go, you can go, it's the house to the right. I'll be back in about an hour.

Love, Mom

Home alone. I decided that I was going to go to the house mother mentioned since Nic is down there. I went upstairs to my room and grabbed my black jacket. I locked the door before leaving the house and started walking to my right. When I made my way towards the house, I saw Nic's Honda Civic outside the house. I walked up the three steps and I softly tapped on the door. The person that came to the door suprised me. The cute guy from the deli, Cooper.


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