Werewolf Bite... Chapter 9

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Read and Enjoy the next chapter!!


Nisela POV

The pain was freaking unbelieveable. I bet this is worse than child birth. My insides are twisting and turning and my bones feel like they are breaking. Cooper is trying to soothe the pain by giving me words of encouragement. Let's just say, those words are doing nothing to soothe the pain. I wish Cooper would just knock me out so the changing can happen without me knowing. My face feels really weird. As much as it hurts me to do this, I move my hand up to my face and was suprised that I had grew a freaking snout.

"Nisela, do not scream. It's just a snout. That's good news because it means your change is nearly over. Just breathe in and out. Just like that." Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out. The transformation is nearly over. Then everything happened at once. All the bones in body started moving again and back arched from the spine changing. My nails grew into claws and I could feel the fur coming up from under my skin. It was the weirdest feeling to have hair grow out of your skin at once. Cooper was by my side trying to calm me down because any minute now, I'm going to have a panic attack. All of sudden everything went black. I don't feel anything and I don't hear or see anything. I can't even feel Cooper beside me.

I started to get the feeling back in my feet which spread up my legs. I felt my heart beating and the feeling in my arms came back. I slowly opened my eyes and let me tell you, it was so clear. Imagine having perfect vision times a million. That is how clear it was. I notice Cooper's head was down at the end of bed. When I tried to get up, I notice I had paws and was standing up on all fours. Too weird. Cooper turned around and practically jumped on me.

"Nisela, I thought you were gone. You weren't moving and you had stopped breathing. I thought I had lost you forever." His hands were running though my fur and it felt amazing. Next thing I know, I was whimpering.

"Do you like the feeling of that?" What the hell? Did I just hear that in my head because I didn't see Cooper's mouth moving at all. "I'm speaking to you telepathically. It's the bond we have for each that allows us to do it."

"Why did you stop smoothing out my fur?" I demanded in my head. He laughed and continued on. I rolled over onto my back and he proceeded to rub my stomach. I could just lay here all day.

"Do you want to go out for a run, Nisela?" At the mention of running, I jumped off the bed and ran down the steps to the front door. Then there was a problem, I can't open the door with my paws and I didn't really want to bust down the door because mom would be pissed. What to do, what to do? Coop comes strutting to the door with a smirk on his face. He better watch it or i'll claw his face off.

"Can you open the Nis or do you need help with that? I could open it for you but you would have to do something for me." He said with a chuckle. Meanie.

"I'm opening the door myself. I don't need thumbs to do it. Right now I'm sticking my tongue out at you." He laughed. I turned around towards the door and got on my hind legs. I then realized that I was to big to do that because when I stood on my back legs, I was larger than I expected. I bigger than the average dog or wolf. I turned towards Cooper who had a smile on his face which made his whole face light up.

"I give up. What do I have to do for you?" I said suspiciously in my head.

"Well, when we change back into our human form, you have to give me a kiss. That's all." He said with a smirk. Now that is a good idea.

"Okay, now open the door before I change my mind." Yeah, like that was going  to happen. He opened the door and my body took over. I ran as fast as I could into the woods. The woods were blurred by how fast I was going. I felt another presence running along side me so stopped. The thing that was running with had also stopped. I walked around in a circle, seeing if someone was around but I didn't see anything. Then, out of nowhere, a gigantic sandy brown wolf jumped in front of me. 

"Don't worry, it's just me. Your wolf is very nice looking." Cooper said, telepathically.

"You scared me for a minute. I mean you could have easily announced your presence. How does my wolf look exactly?"  He started circling around me, rubbing his body along my body.

"You're smaller than the average wolf but I think that is because you were bitten instead of born a wolf. You are a very deep chocolate brown and your eyes stayed the same brown. You actually smell sweeter in your wolf form which is trully intoxicating."

"Calm down boy, you are getting a little to excited. This is all so weird. Everything is so clear and I can hear better and even smell everything. Cooper, you can stop rubbing yourself up against me."

"It's my instincts telling me that I need to leave my scent on you so no other male gets the idea of trying to mate with you."

"Mate with me? I thought I was your mate already?" I said confused.

"I haven't fully mated with you if you know what I mean." Fully mated? He can't mean...?

"We have to have sex!? You and these werewolf rules." I started to prance off as much as I can in this body. I hope he doesn't think we are going to do that anytime soon. I'm still a virgin and would like to keep it that way until i'm actually ready. I heard Cooper walk up beside me.

"You know, I won't rush you. We can wait forever if that is what you."

"Oh my gosh! That was so sweet!" I started jumping on him and playing around. 

"You want to go hunting." 

"Hunting?" Oh geeze!



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