Werewolf Bite... Chapter 8

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Cooper's POV (cont'd)

As Casey pulled me in, she literally dragged me into the living room. I tried to explain to her that I forgot and that it wouldn't happen again but she just kept telling me to shut up. As we rounded the corner to the living room, I saw my eldest sister sitting on the couch with her mate and a suprisingly huge stomach. I couldn't believe she was actually here. She had left about a year and half ago when she found her mate. Her mate was the alpha of another pack and when she found him they left.  She had not kept in touch but life goes on.

"Carla, what are you doing here?" I asked. What made her want to come and visit now.

"Well Coop, if you must know, I came to stay for the week. Plus, my baby is almost coming and I wanted to have it here at my original pack. Sorry that I didn't keep in contact, I was just really busy and didn't have the time. But I'm here now, so what's up?" She said with a cheerful smile. A smile that you really couldn't be mad at. Just like Nisela's smile. I can't wait to see her tomorrow. I shouldn't be thinking about her so much, I mean I just dropped her off not fifteen minutes ago.

"Hello. Earth to Coop! I asked you a question. What were you thinking about?" Carla asked. Casey was now sitting beside Carla on the couch.

"Uhh, you know, school stuff." I said hoping she wouldn't push the subject. I didn't want to tell her about my mate just yet. But I guess I should have told Casey that.

"By school stuff, he means his mate. He found his mate a couple of days ago. Her name is Nisela and she is pretty. Nisela is a werewolf but we don't know how because her brother isn't one and --" Casey just couldn't keep her mouth shut. I played a trick on Kyle one time and I almost got away with it if it wasn't for Casey's blabber mouth.

"Little brother, you found your mate. That is so awesome and right now, I think i'm going to cry." Carla said while walking to me with her arms stretched wide open for a hug. She gave me a hug, well I guess you can call it hug, what with her huge stomach in the way. She started to cry harder and her mate, Justin, came and took her to her old room.

"Case, you are so dead. I didn't plan on telling Carla until I felt ready."

"Well, now she knows so it doesn't matter. It's time for dinner so come on and help me fix the plates." She can be such a pain.

Nisela's POV

Waking up this morning, I was hit by the most excruciating migraine that I have ever had. The sun was shining through my windows so I reached behind me and quickly shut them tight. Even the light from my bathroom made my head split. I crawled on all fours across the room to turn the bathroom light out, not being able to stand in this condition. As I made my way to my bed, I was hit with a very sharp pain in my stomach. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. There was no way I was going to school.

"NICOLAS!! GET IN HERE NOW!!" No more shouting from me. My loud voice made my own head hurt. I lay in the bed gaspings as the pain does not recede. 

"What Ni, you always screaming?" Nicolas said without even noticing a heaping mess that I am in.

"Nic, I am not going to be able to go to school today. You will have to take Nigel to school. Has mom left yet?" 

"Maybe you should go to the hospital Ni. You don't look like you are in the condition to be staying home all by yourself without someone to take care of you." He can be sweet sometime but he does not listen.

"I will be alright. It's just a little pain that will go away with sleep. Now, is mom here or has she left already?"

"She left about twenty minutes before you woke up. They needed her in extra early so she left. You look a mess. You sure you want to stay home by yourself?" Insulting one minute and caring the next.

"Yes, now can you leave me be." I started to get dizzy even though I wasn't standing up. The whole room was spinning and I started to get real nauseous. I closed my eyes and took in deep breaths. Nigel came in the room with an ice pack and a glass of water.

"We are about to head out. Get better." He leaned down and gave me hug. Aww, so sweet.

"Thanks Nigel." He let go and walked out the room. I could hear them walking out the door and into the car with my super hearing. It still amazes me that I am a werewolf and that I even have a mate. A very sexy mate at that. I had called him last night and we talked for hours on end. He told me he would meet me at lunch but no skipping this time. I told him that I had came to terms with being what I am so that means I accepted him also. Another sharp pain stop me from my thoughts of my mate. This time I leaned over to the side and threw up all over the floor. That was really nasty and I couldn't even get up to clean it up.

It's been an hour, and the pain has not receded but has gotten worse. At one point, I screamed out. My arms and legs started to tingle and I was really scared. I never went through this much pain in my entire life. I pulled off my  t-shirt and my pajamas shorts because it was getting extremely hot in this room. As I lay here, I feel another round of puke about to explode out of my mouth. I roll over until I inch myself off the bed. I then crawl across the room to my door. I pull myself up with the help of the door knob and proceed to walk out. My joints ache so bad that the task of walking is kind of excruciating. As I make my way into the kitchen, I go to the cabinets to grab a box of saltine crackers and I get a ginger ale from the fridge to calm the nauseous feeling. When I open the fridge, I can't help but love the feeling of the cold air that hits my hot body.

Before I could even close the fridge door, my arm snapped into awkard position and I cried out in pain.

Cooper's POV

I can't believe she is going through the change and I'm not even there to help her through it. I didn't see Nisela this morning when I entered the school but I just thought it was because she was running late. I had a class with her brother second period and as we were talking, he mentioned Nisela being sick. I got really worried and couldn't think straight in class. I decided that I would skip a little bit of school to see if she was okay. I realized that she was going through the change because I could feel her pain but our connection is not strong sense we haven't fully mate but there is a slight connection. She must be scared out of her mind.

When I arrived outside her house, I heard a scream. I ran to the door and busted the door open. Nisela was laying on the floor with only her bra and panties on but now is not the time to be checking her out. She was still conscious but a little out of it.

"Nisela, sweetie, I'm going to carry you upstairs. Is that okay?" She gave me a slight nod and I carefully picked her, bridal style. I followed her scent to her room upstairs. As I made my way to her bed, I noticed the puke on the side of her bed. 

"I'm hurting really badly. Make it stop." She said in a soft whisper. 

"It's going to be over soon. Don't worry. Just breathe and relax." Her face relax from the pained expression. I began to message her legs and arms because they probably felt stiff. She could be dealing with this all day or her change could happen any minute now. She sighed. It must feel better.

"That feels really, really good. Can you message my back? It feels like my bones are throbbing and earlier my arm did this snap thing and I almost fainted." I rolled her over and began messaging her back and that's when there was an audible snap in her leg and she then screamed out in pain.

"I think you are about to transform any minute now. I'm going to be here for you through the whole thing so don't worry." Here we go.

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