Werewolf Bite...Chapter 20

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"Casey, I'm coming over in about two minutes. You can't rush beauty!" I said to Casey. The girls were waiting for me at the house. I was finishing my hair when she started to bug me. 

"Come on NiNi, we don't want to miss the show and if I don't get to see that hot guy from that band before the show starts, I'm going to bite your leg off. Now come on!" She practically yelled. We were going to this club about thirty minutes away. A band by the name of Crater Rock was playing there, only Casey knew who they were. She's convinced the lead singer is her mate.

"I'm putting the last curl in as we speak. I'll see in like a minute." I hung up and grabbed my jacket from the bed and slipped my phone into my pocket. I turn towards the door and see Cooper staring at me. 

"Cooper, you didn't have to watch me get ready. You could've did something more productive with your time."  He's been here the whole time, watching my every step. I walk to him and wrap my arms around him.

"You know I don't want you to go. Something can go wrong and I wouldn't even be there." He can be so overprotective sometimes. Time to ease his mind a little.

"Listen, when we come back from the club, I'll tell my mom I'm spending the night with Casey and I'll make a detour to your room. We can spend the night together, how about it?"  A smile spread across his face. I love seeing him happy.

"Sounds like a plan. If anybody tries to hurt you-"

"Nobody will touch me, I promise you that much. Now, I have to go before I get decapitated by the girls. You can stay and hang with Nic, he's in his room playing MW3 by the sound of it." I kissed him and pranced out the room.

" 'You da one that I dream about all day,

 You da one that I think about always,

  You da one so I make sure I behave,

  My love is your love, your love is mine!' " 

We were in the car singing a Rihanna song at the top of our lungs. After they chewed me out for being late, we got in the car and immediately started singing all the songs that were on the radio.

"So, Nisela, you know what I'm about to ask right?" Linzie said, turning the radio down. Casey was driving with Linzie in the passenger seat. Linzie turned around in the seat and stared me down. She can only be asking one thing and I'm pretty sure they asked me before.

"Ya know, when are we going to go back to school, it feels like we haven't been in a while." I said, trying to change the subject but a little bit curious at the same time.

"If you were listening to the afternoon announcements Friday, we have a three day weekend. We don't go to school Monday because it's a teachers work day. Now back to the subject at hand...have you and Cooper completed the bond?" Ugh, I do not want to have this conversation. We have about 20-25 minutes until we get there and I don't want the conversation to be about my non-existent sex life.

"There's nothing to talk about. We've did nothing yet."

"You said 'yet' which means it is bound to happen!" Tinsel yelled from the last seat. Kind of true, it's going to happen sometimes.

"Well at least tell us how big he is, give us some imagery for goodness sake!" Logan said from beside me. I have seen it once.

"Please Nisela, for me, don't talk about it. That is my brother, I do not want to here about it." Casey said waving a hand in the air.

"Don't listen to her, tell us." Logan said.

"It's just, I don't feel right talking about my mate like a piece of meat." I said with a smile. That got them to shut up. 

"Let's talk about hot guys!" Oh brother.

"I can't deal with you guys no more! Please let me kill myself. How do you all talk about one subject for twenty minutes straight. I never even met that many guys in my life." I said getting out of the car. They talked non stop about nothing. When we finally arrived at the club we made sure we had a game plan. We decide to follow the buddy system and not drink any alcohol.

"Nini, stop being so over dramatic. Let's go meet my soulmate." Casey said.

We walked to the back of the line. It wasn't a very long line so we didn't wait long. Five minutes later, we were in the club with the bass shaking the whole room.

"I'm going to find my soulmate, let's go this way." We wormed our way through the gyrating bodies. It was getting to the point where I was shoving people to the floor when they bumped into me. Let's just say I was getting some nasty looks. Casey led us backstage where the band was chilling on sofas,drinking. 

"Hey girls, what brings you back here?" The girls were giggling like fangirls. 

"Well, I am a huge fan of your band. I've been listening to the band since forever." Casey was really giddy. 

"Which song do you like?"

"I really love 'Basking Under the Moon'. All time favorite." 

"Just your luck, we are going to play that song. Enjoy the show ladies!" The band walked out on stage and there was an instant reaction. We walked out from backstage and joined the crowd. The band started playing the song Casey wanted and the crowd went wild. I have to be honest, they are actually kind of good. The girls and I were dancing around to the music. They played like four songs before we were exhausted from dancing. I led us to a table that was in corner and that's when I realized Tinsel wasn't around.

"Where's Tins?" I said. Logan got up and looked around. Linzie said she didn't notice she wasn't around.

"We have to find her, we don't really know this area. She can't go off by herself." I was getting nervous. I tried to follow her scent but once I had something, it would get lost because someone else's body scent. I went to the bathrooms with Logan in tow. Tinsel was not in there. We all went outside shouting her name because she nowhere to be found in the club. I decided to go around back to see if she was just hanging out.

I didn't see anything behind the garbage can but I heard a faint heartbeat towards the wood behind the club. I put my focus on the heartbeat and I slowly walked into the woods.

"Tinsel! Where are you?!"

"I'm...over...here...." She said but it was very faint like it took all her energy. I picked my pace up fearing the worse. My stomach started jolting, making me sick to my stomach. I followed her scent to a huge oak tree. 

"Hey guys, she's over here!!" I ran to her. She was in delirious state. Someone decided to beat on her. The bruised her face and her body. There was blood on her shirt and hand. The person who did this ripped her clothes apart. I knelt down and held her face in my hand. Casey, Logan and Linzie ran up to us. I don't know what came over me but I started seeing red.

"Nisela, what's wrong? Why are you growling?" I couldn't help it. Who would do this to Tinsel? All I could think about is killing whoever did this. 

"Nisela, calm down. We are going to handle this. Just calm down!" Logan yelled at me, which didn't help.

"I can't!!" 

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