Werewolf Bite... Chapter 17

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I decided on a simple oversized blouse with a scarf, boyfriend jeans and loafers. It was very comfortable and matched my relaxed attitude. I did my hair in a way that kept some of my bang out in the front and the rest was in huge braid to the side. I grabbed my purse and sunglasses and walked out the room just in time to hear the door open.

I ran down the stairs hoping to see Cooper waiting at the door, looking all handsome. Instead, there stood my dad, back from his trip earlier than we expected. I love my parents both equally, but I am a certified daddy's girl. If my mom says no to me, I automatically go to my dad. Since I'm his only daughter, he gives me everything.

I ran and gave my dad a huge hug.

"Hey daddy, I didn't know you were going to be home so early. What's up?" I said. I step back and when I inhaled, I smelt Cooper on the other side of the door. Oh no! My dad does not take kindly to boys who take interest in his daughter. That's the reason I really never had one. Cooper knocked on the door and before I could think about answering it, my dad opens the door.

"Hello?" My dad said.

"Umm, hi? I'm here to pick Nisela up?" He said like it was a question.

"She's not here, come back some other time." He was about to shut the door but I walked over to grab hold of the door.

"Dad, don't be rude." I bumped him out the way and smiled at Cooper. "Cooper, this is my dad. Dad, this is Cooper, my BOYFRIEND." Putting emphasis on boyfriend. He looked at me then he looked at Cooper.

"Nisela, I want you to go sit on the porch for a minute. Cooper and I are going to have a little talk for a minute." He said never taking his eyes off of Cooper.

"Dad we have to go. We don't have time for your intimidation speech."

"No, Nisela, it's okay. It'll just be a minute." Cooper said with a smile. I huffed in frustration. I made my way towards the porch swing and sat down with my arms cross. Dad better not scare him off. I sat on the swing for about ten minutes, a very long time, and I was starting to get pissed off but finally the door open to reveal a smiling Cooper shaking my dad's hand. Weird. 

"Finally, you two took forever. Cooper let's hurry because I'm starving and I get pretty cranky when I'm hungry. Bye dad!" We made our way towards the car where Cooper politely opened the door for me. 

"Aww, such a sweetheart. Now let's hurry up."


"Cooper I don't want you to have to pay for all of this food that I have eaten. I'm sorry I am such a pig, but I was so hungry. I'll pay for half, how about it?" I said, I ate a total of three salads, two baskets of bread and a huge bowl of spaghetti. I was so hungry to the point of starvation.

"Nisela, I am able to pay for it just chill. We are going to movies after this. Do you want dessert?" There was no way that was going to fit in my belly. I was about to answer with a slick comment when Tabitha decided to make her way towards us. I really hate drama.

"I see you are with my boyfriend yet again, Nutella." She said with a snotty tone and a raised eyebrow.

"It's Nisela and obviously you are delusion if you ever think Cooper would fall for your slutty acts. Need I remind you that you were just with my brother. Proving he will stick his thing in anything." I said, giving her attitude. 

"Cooper, when you are ready to leave the little girl behind for a real women, call me." She stated in a what was suppose to be a seductive voice. I busted out laughing because she was totally ridiculous and Cooper just sat back with a bored expression on his face. Tabitha couldn't stand it anymore and proceeded to storm out of the restaurant.

"I found that little conversation very entertaining, didn't you?"

"I was just waiting for her to leave. No one will ever replace my beautiful mate. Now, let's go, we don't want to miss our movie. I hope you are in the mood for a scary movie." He knew I hate scary movies but since he was going to be by my side, it didn't matter.

He paid the bill without any of my help. I grabbed my satchel purse and put my sunglasses on top of my head. He grabbed my hand, walking out the front door. The local movie theatre is only a minutes walk from the restaurant so we decided to take a stroll. The sky was clear and baby blue with the occasional breeze. It was quite refreshing. I lifted my head to the sky and inhaled the air. I froze when I smelt the strong stench of blood nearby.

I looked over to Cooper who has obviously smelt the blood. I sniffed the air again and seems as if the scent was coming from a nearby alley way. As we took each step, the scent was growing stronger. I ran, curiousity taking over, and found the source of the blood scent. Tabitha lay sprawled out on the ground with a note on her stomach, held there by a knife. The note was covered in her blood but since the note was written with a sharpie, the writing was legible. 

Cooper came by side and shielded me from the sight. I didn't like Tabitha and her ways but I wouldn't wish death on anyone. Who could have done this? Cooper knelt down on the ground to get a better look at the note. I tried but Cooper was being a pain and wouldn't let me see.

"Call 911 now. I think you may be in danger but trust me, no one and I mean no one will ever lay a hand on you. You got me?" Cooper said with a stern look in his eyes and I could only nod in response. Instead of me calling the cops, Cooper did. When stood away from the body, I caught a better look at the letter.

Dear My Love,

I did this for you Nisela. I will do anything for you. I know about Marco and he will be taken care of, just like the blond chick. I'm so glad that I have you back and you will forever be mine. 

All my love,


Oh no! It's happening all over again.


What's happening all over again? Leave your guesses in the comment box below. Who is this mysterious person?


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