Werewolf Bite... Chapter 2

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Burcoat Family--->

I woke up in my room a little daze. My room was a mess, that much I observed, considering I was lost in the woods for the better part of the day. They could have a least put my mattress on the bed frame. I got up with a slight throbbing in my forearm. I looked pulled up my sleeve and found gauze wrapped around it. Must have been that stupid wolf.

"Nicolas, come and help me straighten up my room! And before you say no, remember you owe me...big time!!" I shouted to my brother Nicolas. He was a year older than me but he acts like i'm some little girl. It gets so annoying. There was a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I said from my bathroom. I finally have my own bathroom after years of sharing with my two brothers. Let me tell you, boys are completely disgusting. Nicolas would leave his underwear on the floor when he got out the shower and my other brother, Nigel would have toothpaste all over the sink and have pee on the toilet. It's like they had no home training.

"Nini, why must you make me your servant? I always get stuck doing things for you and I'm tired of it." he said.

"Well, if I wasn't always bailing you out then you wouldn't be owing me favors. Now can you put my mattress in the bedframe then push my dresser to that wall and then push my mirror near that wall. Please and thank you." I walked out the room to the kitchen before he starts complaining. I realized that I was starving when I smelt the bacon, sausage, pancakes, and eggs coming from the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen, my mom was at the stove, tending to the sizzling bacon. I think I just drooled. 

"Mom, this food smell so delicious." she jumped, a little startle. She ran to me and gave me a hug. Okay, a little awkward. ", Mom are you okay?"

"Nini, you were lost in the woods for five whole hours. It was 11:30 when we found you. You were unconcious and bleeding from your arm. It appears a wolf bit you, which is weird because it didn't eat you..." she said, almost in tears.

"Okay mom, alive now, let's move on. Let's be thankful it didn't eat me. Plus I probably don't taste that good." I said in thought. I'm somewhat skinny so the wolf wouldn't have much meat to eat. Poor wolf.

"Hello in there. Earth to Nisela. Just go sit down and I'll make you a plate."

"Okay mommy." I said feeling like a little girl. My younger brother, Nigel, came running down the hall at the smell of food. He was 14 with the appetite of a grown man.

"Nigel, before you come in here grabbing food and making a mess, sit down at the table." my mom said with her back turned.

"Nisela, even though you were injured yesterday, you are still going to school tomorrow. You will be driving Nigel to school as well because I have the morning shift at the hospital and your dad left for his business trip while you were still sleep."

"Alright. I guess I can be an obedient daughter this time but this can't become a regular thing mom."

"Whatever you say Nisela." Now i'm going to have to deal with waking Nigel up in the morning, which is not fun since he is a hard sleeper. I expected this respondsibility when we moved to this town. My mom worked at the local hospital and they gave her the morning shift and my dad is a celebrity real estate agent. He's almost always out of town dealing with big time celebrities find their dream house. I try to cherish the moment he is home with us.

Nigel and I sat in silence for about another ten minutes waiting on the food. We were so focused on thinking about the food that we both jumped when mom sat out plates down in front us. The food smelt so good that I didn't know what to do with it. After the initial shock of the smell, I scarfed it down like an animal but I was still hungry after three pancakes, five strips of bacon, six strips of sausage and some eggs. I got up and got some more pancakes and bacon.

"You sure are hungry this morning. Maybe because you didn't eat dinner last night. That's it." my mom said while eating her eggs and fruit. She was on a "diet" but I always see her sneaking cookies to her room.

"Yeah that must be it." I said, already finished with my second helping. I put my dishes in the sink and headed back to my room. "I'm going to finish unpacking mom."

"Okay sweetie." As I made my way down the hall to my room, I heard Nicolas talking on the phone. He better be finished with my room or I'm gonna go Hulk on him. I thought to myself. I walked in and he was sitting on my bed. Fortunately for him and me, my stuff was where I wanted it.

"Thank you Nic, you can leave now and talk to whatever whore you are talking to in the privacy of your own room." Nic was such a slut and it didn't make any sense.

"I think I'll go do that and your welcome lil sister." he said after he patted my head.

"I am not a dog! Don't do that again." I said but he was already in his room across the hall. I started unpacking my clothes first because that would be easier. Since it was fall, I'll keep my spring/summer in the boxes at the back of the closet. I hung my sweatshirts and pants on the hangars and put my t-shirts and shorts in my dresser. I found the box labeled undergarments which contained underwear, bras, socks and stockings. Now shoes will be the hardest. I had three boxes full of shoes alone. I posted my posters on the walls and sat my books and cds on top of my dresser. One last thing to complete the room is my lamp and comforter. I laid down and dozed off and when I woke up it was 3 in the afternoon. But it makes sense that I woke up so late cuz I woke up 8 this morning which is unusal. Something else that doesn't make sense is the fact that I have no taken a shower.

After taking a shower, I got dressed in a purple v-neck, boyfriend jeans and my floral vans. I guess I have nothing to do today because I bought my school supplies and got my hair done last week before we moved in. I'm just ready for my junior year. I guess I can go into town and explore. Yep, that's what I'm going to do. I applied some eyeliner and eyeshadow, put on my baseball cap and grabbed my keys.

"Mom! I'm going out I'll be back for dinner though." I shouted from the front door. It was weird because I can hear her all the way in her room, which is on the second floor. Let me tell you, my hearing on a scale from 1-5 with 5 being the best, is a 2. Now all of sudden it's a 5. Weird.

"Okay sweetie. I hear you." Let the exploring begin. I feel like Dora.


Hope you enjoy yet another chapter!!

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