Werewolf Bite... Chapter 21

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" Nisela, we can't have you changing right now. Someone might come out and see you." Casey was trying to calm me down but it was not working. Instead of standing around fuming, I went over to Tinsel and picked her up. I don't know what it was, adrenaline or the wolf, but I picked Tins up without a problem. I carried her to the car bridal style before laying her down in the back seat.

Everyone was followed me back to the car so now they were piling back into the car. I was still seeing red but the anger simmered down enough for me to breathe right. I didn't trust myself to talk because then I'll start yelling and probably scare everyone in the car.

"Tins, sweetie, are you okay?" said Linzie. She was in the back seat with Tins. Tins didn't say anything she just cuddled into Linzie more. We needed to find out who did this to her and fast. I needed to get home and ask Cooper why I can't reign in this anger. Surely I would have calmed down by now? Casey was driving at a really fast speed. I'm just glad a cop haven't pulled us over.

We made it back to Casey's place and we hurriedly brought Tins back into the house. Cooper ran from  down the stairs with Lee right behind him.

"What's going on and what's wrong with Tinsel?"

"Right now Cooper, just stop Nisela from changing. She's been ready to shift for the past couple of minutes and nothing is calming her down. I'm going to take Tins to my room." Casey said, taking charge.

"Nisela, follow me." I followed him to the living room. He sat me down on the couch and stared straight ahead.

"Okay, look at me." I turned to look at him and he placed a hand on my cheek. I almost instantly calmed down but my wolf was hanging on to the anger.

"What's happening to me? My wolf is still angry but I'm not."

"It's called blood lust. It happens every once in awhile to even the most experienced shifters. It should be over in a couple of minutes. Try and think about something other than the incident." I sat there thinking about Cooper and how he is good boyfriend. Sexy and caring. From the way he wear his hair to his great body. I finally stopped thinking about the anger and blood lust and the urge to kiss him overpowered me.

Still staring at him, I leaned in a little and directed my gaze on his pink lips. He leaned in the rest of the way and kissed me gently. He placed his hand on my leg and that kind of sparked something in me. I moved my legs so that I was straddling him. I wrapped my arms his neck and deepened the kiss. Cooper's tongue was begging for entrance and who was I to deny. I had little to no self control at this moment. Cooper flipped us over, now I was laying on my back and he was on top. His lips moved from my lips down to my neck. He focused on one spot that was below my ear which elicited a moan. That caused Cooper to tear away from me.

"NiNi, we shouldn't be doing this. Especially on the couch with everyone here." He said running a hand through his hair. 

"Well let's go to your room." I slapped my hand over my mouth. "I'm sorry, that was dirty and inappropriate. You're right, wrong place, wrong time." He grabbed a pillow and placed it on his lap. I looked at him, wondering why he did that.

"Tinsel is okay, we cleaned her up and she's now sleeping in my bed. Are you okay Nisela?" I nodded my head, afraid my voice will betray me.

"Wait a minute, why do you guys look flustered and Nisela, your hair is everywhere." I glanced at Cooper who was glancing at me. We both burst out laughing. The situation was a little funny. We were acting like a child whose hands been caught in the cookie jar.

"I'm not even gonna ask what you were doing before I came in here." She left, shaking her head, mumbling something about 'horny teenagers'.

"Let's go see how Tins is doing." He took my hand and led me upstairs. We arrived at Casey's bedroom door. I slowly opened the door and peeked in. Tins was laying on her side, sleep.

"Tinsel, hey, it's me." She opened her eyes. She groaned and rolled over on her back.

"Are you okay Tins?" Cooper asked, full of concern. We both went to sit on the bed.

"It was horrible. I would be completely and totally traumatized but you should see the guy who did this to me." It can't be worst than her black eye and swollen lip. I smoothed her hair back. "Cooper's training came in handy. Even though I haven't shifted, he still teaches us hand to hand combat. Hopefully I broke a rib and gave him a concussion." I laughed. I'm she fought back.

"What does he look like? I know it was dark but we need to catch him before he hurts someone else." Cooper said.

"I know it's wrong but I was having a cigarette. This man came up to me asking for one. He has hair that is kind of long in the front, swept to the side. His hair isn't dark but it isn't blond either. His eyes are this eerie light blue. That is the one thing that stood out. Oh! He has a tattoo on his neck, a weird one, an arrow." I stop breathing because sounded like someone I knew. Someone who is ruthless killer and Tinsel is lucky to have made it out alive.

"Cooper, I pretty sure I know who it is." I said.



It's a cliffhanger. Can you guess who it is that assaulted Tins?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2012 ⏰

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